


英音 [wɪn] 美音 [wɪn]


vt.& vi. (在…中)获胜,赢;战胜(对手);

vt. (通过努力等)赢得;说服;达到(目的、要求等);获得…;

n. (体育比赛中)胜利,赢;[常用复数]赢得物;收益;

vi. 顺利到达,成功;

【英文释义】 Noun: a victory (as in a race or other competition);

"he was happy to get the win"

something won (especially money)

Verb: be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious;

"He won the Gold Medal in skating" "Our home team won" "Win the game"

win something through one's efforts;

"I acquired a passing knowledge of Chinese" "Gain an understanding of international finance"

obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;

"The home team was gaining ground" "After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"

attain success or reach a desired goal;

"The enterprise succeeded" "We succeeded in getting tickets to the show" "she struggled to overcome her handicap and won"

【win相关词】 wince vi. 赶紧避开;畏缩,退避; n. (由于疼痛,吃惊等)畏缩,退缩;[印](洗染布时用的)绞车,六角绞盘;winch n. 绞车;摇柄,曲柄; vt. 用绞车拉;wind n. 风;气流;吞下的气;管乐器; vt. 蜿蜒;缠绕;上发条;使喘不过气来; adj. 管乐的;windage n. 偏差,风力修正量;风阻;空气摩擦;windbag n. 风囊,饶舌之人;windblast 气流吹袭;windblown adj. 被风吹的,被风吹斜的,(头发)风飘型的;windbreak n. 防风林;防风物;防风墙;防风设备;windburn n. 吹风引起的皮肤炎,风造成的树皮或树叶损伤;风害;winded adj. 通风的,喘气的;winder n. 会缠绕的植物,螺旋形阶梯;windfall n. 意外之财;意外的收获;被风吹落的果子;windflaw n. (突如其来的)一阵狂风;windflower n. 白头翁;winding n. 绕,缠;线圈,弯曲; adj. 弯曲的,蜿蜒的;旋的,盘绕的;windjammer n. 帆船水手,饶舌的人;windlass n. 卷扬机,辘轳,绞盘; vt.&vi. 用绞盘吊起;windlestraw n. 干草茎;筐草;windmill n. 风车;旋转玩具;直升飞机;

【win相关词条】 win-win situation 双赢局面;win-win co -operation 强强联手;win distinction 出名;win through 最终获得成功;通过…获得…,度过;win laurels 赢得声望,获得荣誉,获得冠军;win up v. 上马,攀登,起立;Win-zip Windows下的数据压缩工具;to win 胜;win back 重新获得,夺回;win out 最终获得成功;战胜,胜过;no-win adj. 不能取胜的,取胜无望的;Win 511 [医][=artane]安坦,盐酸苯海素;Win 9135 [医]Mepivacaine;WIN 22005 [医][=urokinase]尿激酶;win initiative 赢得主动;Win Kinase [医]Urokinase;win on v. 影响;win free 克服一切困难;Win 18320 [医]萘啶酸,萘啶酮酸,萘啶狄克酸,温吐曼龙[抗菌药];WIN 47203 [医]Milrinone;Win 2005 [医]Urokinase;Win 32729 [医]Epostane;