


英音 [ʌp] 美音 [ʌp]


adv. 在上面,在高处;起床,起来;向上;由低到高;

adj. 向上的;上升的;竖立的,垂直的;举起的;

vt.& vi. 增加;加速;提高;举起,拿起;

prep. 在…的上端;向高处;沿…而去;向…上游;

n. 上升,升高;兴旺,繁荣;上坡;(价格等)上涨;

【英文释义】 Adjective: being or moving higher in position or greater in some value; being above a former position or level;

"the anchor is up" "the sun is up" "he lay face up" "he is up by a pawn" "the market is up" "the corn is up"

out of bed;

"are they astir yet?" "up by seven each morning"

getting higher or more vigorous;

"its an up market" "an improving economy"

extending or moving toward a higher place;

"the up staircase" "a general upward movement of fish"

(usually followed by `on' or `for') in readiness;

"he was up on his homework" "had to be up for the game"


"the windows are up"

(used of computers) operating properly;

"how soon will the computers be up?"

used up;

"time is up"

Adverb: spatially or metaphorically from a lower to a higher position;

"look up!" "the music surged up" "the fragments flew upwards" "prices soared upwards" "upwardly mobile"

to a higher intensity;

"he turned up the volume"

nearer to the speaker;

"he walked up and grabbed my lapels"

to a more central or a more northerly place;

"was transferred up to headquarters" "up to Canada for a vacation"

to a later time;

"they moved the meeting date up" "from childhood upward"

Verb: raise;

"up the ante"

【up相关词】 up- pref. 表示“上”之义;up. abbr. upper 上面的;underproofed 含酒精量低于标准的;underproofing 含酒精量低于标准;underproof 酒精含量在标准浓度下的;upas n. 见血封喉,见血封喉的毒汁,有毒害的影响;upbeat adj. 积极乐观的;愉快的,高兴的; n. 上升;弱拍;兴旺;upbraid vt. 责备,申斥,谴责;upbringing n. 养育,培养,教养;家教;upbuild vt. 建立;upcast n. 上抛,向上投掷之物,排气竖坑; adj. 向上抛的,向上的; v. 向上投掷,向上抛;upchuck v.& n. 呕吐;upcoming adj. 即将来到的,即将出现的;即将到来;upcountry adj. 向内的; adv. 向内地;update vt. 更新,使现代化;校正,修正; n. 现代化;更新的信息;更新的行为或事例;updraft n. 上升气流;直焰;向上排气 ;向上通风;upend v. 颠倒,倒放;upgrade n. 向上的斜坡; vt. 提升;使(机器、计算机系统等)升级;提高(设施、服务等的)档次;提高(飞机乘客、旅馆住客等)的待遇;upgrowth n. 生长;发育;发达;成长物;upheaval n. 突变,剧变;[地]隆起;举起,抬起;upheave v. 举起,推上去使上升,隆起;

【up相关词条】 up- pref. 表示“上”之义;up-and-up n. 诚实的行为,向上,越来越好;shark up v. 敲诈;dummy up v. 缄口不语;不吭声,缄口;connect up 接通,连接在一起;beat-up adj. 破旧的,破烂的;蓬头垢面的;衣衫褴褛的,不体面的;打纬;post up 登录于;从日记簿过(账)于分类账;公布;张贴;fetch up 到达;停止;呕出;把…带到楼上;sober up v. 清醒起来;醒酒;tape up 以胶带粘上;pay up 全部还清,付清;UP adv. 在上面,在高处;起床,起来;向上;由低到高; adj. 向上的;上升的;竖立的,垂直的;举起的; vt.& vi. 增加;加速;提高;举起,拿起; prep. 在…的上端;向高处;沿…而去;向…上游; n. 上升,升高;兴旺,繁荣;上坡;(价格等)上涨;latch-up 封闭;up conversion 增频变频;grown up 长大成人;piece up v. 修补;reactor-up 反应堆功率上升;work-up n. 病情的检查, 污迹;up-bound 上行;