

由关系副词引导的定语从句,关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。常用的关系副词有:when、where、why、that等。 关系副词引导的定语从句.jpg (1)表示时间,关系副词when前面先行词通常是表时间的名词,如day, time, hour, year等,例如: I still remember the days when we was in Beijing. 我还记得我们在北京的那些天。

(2)表示地点,关系副词where前面通常是表地点的名词,如place, room, house等等,例如: This is the house where I have lived for 3 years. 这是我住了3年的房子。

(3)表示理由,关系副词why前面一般是reason。例如: I don’t know the reason why he was late.我不知道他迟到的原因。

(4)that可以用来代替其他关系副词,在非正式问题中常常可以省略。例如: I can’t find the place that we lived 10 years ago. 我找不到我们10年前住过的地方。 His father went to London the year (that) he was born. 他出生那年,他父亲去了伦敦。

需要注意的是,关系副词在从句中作状语,相当于介词+关系代词。因此并不是看到先行词是表示时间或者地点的词就要用关系副词,而是还要看从句中缺少的成分,例如: This is the house where I have lived for 3 years. 这是我住了3年的房子。 根据语义,该从句完整意思是:I have lived in the house for 3 years. 缺少的是地点状语,因此主句中用关系副词where。该句还可以这样表达: This is the house in which I have lived for 3 years. 这是我住了3年的房子。 由于已经具有介词in,从句中缺少的是in的宾语,因此此处用关系代词which。 同理,根据具体语境和搭配,关系副词和关系代词可以这样转换: why=for which where=in/ at/ on/to which when=during/ on/ in/at which

例如: Do you still remember the day on which we first met?

Do you still remember the day when we first met? 你还记得我们初次见面那天吗? That was the reason for which he was late for school.

That was the reason why he was late for school. 这就是他上学迟到的原因。