


英音 [ʃeə(r)] 美音 [ʃer]


n. 股;(参与、得到等的)份;(分享到的或贡献出的)一份;市场占有率;

vt.& vi. 共有;共用;均摊;

vt. 分配;分开;共同承担;

vi. 分享,分担(in);

【英文释义】 Noun: assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group;

"he wanted his share in cash"

any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate;

"he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price"

the allotment of some amount by dividing something;

"death gets more than its share of attention from theologians"

the part played by a person in bringing about a result;

"I am proud of my contribution in advancing the project" "they all did their share of the work"

a sharp steel wedge that cuts loose the top layer of soil Verb: have in common;

"Our children share a love of music" "The two countries share a long border"

use jointly or in common have, give, or receive a share of;

"We shared the cake"

give out as one's portion or share communicate;

"I'd like to share this idea with you"

【share相关词】 plowshare n. 犁头;sharecrop v. 作佃农耕种;sharecropper n. 佃农;shareholder n. 股东;股票持有者;shareowner n. 股东,股票持有人;

【share相关词条】 socket share 盒形犁铧;slip share 无胫板犁铧;share-out n. 分配;share capital 股本,股份资本;股金;rotary share 旋转挖掘铲;share cover 铧式覆土器;share with 与…分享[合用];把(自己的感受)告诉(某人);共;universal share 普通犁铧;scrip share 权利股份;share certificate n. 股票;shaker share 振动犁铧;share-for-share exchange [经] 股票换股票;share and share alike 平均分配;by share [法] 按股份;share options n. 授给在一定时期内按预定价格买卖股票的权利( share option的名词复数 );[法] 优先股票权,股票选择买卖;potential share 权利股;lost share [经] 遗失股份;alternative share 可换犁铧;share supervisor 共用管理程序;counter share 非上场股票,未在证券交易所登记的股票;priority share [法] 优先股;