


英音 [ɒf] 美音 [ɔf]


prep. 从…落下;离开;从…去掉;下班;

adv. 离开;距,离;被取消;下班;

adj. 不新鲜的;不能接受;不礼貌;

n. 起跑;

v. 杀死;

【英文释义】 Adjective: not in operation or operational;

"the oven is off" "the lights are off"

below a satisfactory level;

"an off year for tennis" "his performance was off"

(of events) no longer planned or scheduled;

"the wedding is definitely off"

in an unpalatable state;

"sour milk"

not performing or scheduled for duties;

"He's off every Tuesday"

Adverb: from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete);

"ran away from the lion" "wanted to get away from there" "sent the children away to boarding school" "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal" "went off to school" "they drove off" "go forth and preach"

at a distance in space or time;

"the boat was 5 miles off (or away)" "the party is still 2 weeks off (or away)" "away back in the 18th century"

no longer on or in contact or attached;

"clean off the dirt" "he shaved off his mustache"

Verb: kill intentionally and with premeditation;

"The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered"

【off相关词】 off. [医][=office]办公室,诊所;offal n. 碎屑;残渣;废弃物;垃圾;offbeat adj. 不寻常的,非传统的,不落俗套的;offence n. 犯罪,违反;冒犯,触怒;攻击;offend vt. 触怒;得罪,冒犯;使反感令人不适; vi. 犯规,触犯;offender n. 罪犯;得罪人的人;犯规者;妨害…的人(或事物);offense n. 进攻;(球队的)前锋;进攻方法;攻势;offensive adj. 无礼的,冒犯的,唐突的;讨厌的,令人不快的;进攻(性)的,攻击的,攻势的; n. 进攻,攻势;offer vt. 提供,给予;提出,提议;出价,开价;表示愿意; vi. 提议;企图,想要;供奉; n. 提议;出价,开价;试图;求婚;offering n. 提议;课程;贡品,祭品;奉献物; v. 提供(offer的ing形式);offertory n. (圣餐礼中奉献面包和葡萄酒的)奉献仪式;(礼拜时的)奉献金;offhand adj. 不友好的,不礼貌的,简慢的; adv. 即席地,未经核实地;office n. 办公室;办公楼;问询处;重要官职;officeholder n. 官员;officer n. 军官,警官;高级职员;公务员;船长; v. 指挥;统率;管理;配置军官;official n. 行政官员;公务员;[体]裁判;高级职员; adj. 官方的,法定的;公职的,公务的;官气十足;正式的;officialese n. 官样文章,公文用语;officialism n. 官僚作风,官僚习气,官样文章;文牍主义;officiant n. 主祭;

【off相关词条】 Off prep. 从…落下;离开;从…去掉;下班; adv. 离开;距,离;被取消;下班; adj. 不新鲜的;不能接受;不礼貌; n. 起跑; v. 杀死;rap off 交谈,交流思想;go off 进行;爆炸;突然大作;停止运转;brush off 刷掉;掸掉;拒绝听;不理睬;drowse off v. 打瞌睡;off chance 极小可能性,不大会有的机会;off colour 色泽不佳, 身体不舒服;bundle off 寄走(包裹等);fell off 跌落;off-licence n. 卖酒执照;off Broadway n. 非百老汇的戏剧;off. [医][=office]办公室,诊所;sweetening off 洗去糖分;fence-off n. (击剑)(和局后)加赛;eat off 使用…吃饭;吃掉…的一部分;吃(某人)白食;breaking-off 剥落,剥蚀;off guard adv. 不警惕;不备;far off 远,在远处的;shake-off n. 摆脱;off-button 脱位旋钮;