


英音 [wɒʃ] 美音 [wɑʃ]


vt. 洗,清洗;浸湿;冲刷,冲击;洗去罪名;

vi. 耐洗;被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用);(波涛等)拍打;

n. (尤指船过后划出的)水流;要洗的衣物的数量;薄涂层(尤指涂料);

vt. 弄湿;使受洗礼;(光)布满;(猫等)舔净(自身);

adj. 可洗的,耐洗的;(证券交易)虚假的;

【英文释义】 Noun: a thin coat of water-base paint

the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)

the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)

the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway);

"from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water"

the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller

a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other

garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering

any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out;

"at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"

Verb: clean with some chemical process

cleanse (one's body) with soap and water

cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water;

"Wash the towels, please!"

move by or as if by water;

"The swollen river washed away the footbridge"

be capable of being washed;

"Does this material wash?"

admit to testing or proof;

"This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court"

separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)

apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to

remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent;

"he washed the dirt from his coat" "The nurse washed away the blood" "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?" "he managed to wash out the stains"

form by erosion;

"The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"

make moist;

"The dew moistened the meadows"

wash or flow against;

"the waves laved the shore"

to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking;

"The cat washes several times a day"

【wash相关词】 awash adj. 与水面齐平的,刚被水覆盖的;被淹没的;泛滥的;backwash n. (由船等运动引起的)反流;喷流;反响;回流;blackwash vt. 揭露,暴露;brainwash vt. 对…进行洗脑,把某种思想强加于,通过宣传灌输说服; n. 洗脑;eyewash n. 洗眼水;胡话;空话;拍马;hogwash n. 猪食;泔;泔水;mouthwash n. 漱口剂,洗口药;outwash n. 冰水沉积;swash v. 虚张声势;冲激;摇晃;冲洗; n. 泼水声,虚张声势,吓唬;washable adj. 可洗的,耐洗的;(织物上的油漆、墨水等)可洗掉的; n. 可洗的布料(或衣服);washbasin n. 盥洗池,洗脸池,洗脸盆;washboard n. 洗衣板,踢脚板; adj. 搓板状的;washbowl n. 洗脸盆;洗盆;washcloth n. 毛巾,面巾,浴巾;washday n. 洗衣日;washer n. 洗涤者;洗涤器;洗衣机;washerwoman n. (旧时的)洗衣女工;washing n. 洗涤;洗涤剂;正在洗或待洗的衣服;洗下的污垢; adj. 洗涤用的;清洗用的; v. wash的现在分词;washout n. 失败,惨败;washrag n. 毛巾,面巾;洗脸面巾;washroom n. 洗手间,厕所;washstand n. 盥洗盆,脸盆架;washtub n. 洗衣盆;washwoman n. 洗衣女工;washy adj. 水分多的;多水的;浅的;乏味的;whitewash n. (粉刷用的)石灰水,白色涂料;粉饰;掩盖;(得零分)大败; vt. 美化,粉刷;粉饰,掩饰;彻底击败;

【wash相关词条】 Wash. abbr. Washington 美国华盛顿州州名;color wash n. 刷色;wet wash 未充分干燥即送回的洗好的衣服;wash port 排水口;yeast wash 酵母发酵醪,酒母醪;wash basin 盥洗池;spent wash 酒糟水,底锅水;Resin wash 松酯合剂;wash gun 洗涤用喷枪,冲洗用喷枪;belly-wash n. 饮料;wash transaction 证券市场的虚假交易,冲销交易;chamber wash 洗室;wash column 洗涤柱;wash boring 水冲式钻探,冲冼钻孔;beauty wash 美肤水;wash-bath 洗槽;wash water 洗涤水;洗矿水;洗水;洗桶水;wash drawing n. 淡水彩画;水墨画;wash bucket 洗涤桶;wash boarding 瓦楞纹;wash fountain 公用洗涤池;distiller's wash 酿酒残渣;