《Big Snow 大雪》绘本简介

《Big Snow 大雪》绘本简介


作者: Berta Hader  

出版社: Simon & Schuster


导语:少儿英语绘本频道,为您提供Big Snow 大雪少儿英语绘本,此绘本作者是Berta Hader、Simon & Schuster出版,适合7岁-10岁年龄少儿阅读,还为您提供Big Snow 大雪简介、Big Snow 大雪推荐等信息。


The woodland animals were all getting ready for the winter.Geese flew south, rabbits and deer grew thick warm coats, and theraccoons and chipmunks lay down for a long winter nap. ComeChristmastime, the wise owls were the first to see the rainbowaround the moon. It was a sure sign that the big snow was on itsway.