


英音 [frɒg] 美音 [frɔg]


n. 青蛙;〈侮辱〉青蛙佬,对法国人的蔑称;[交]铁路辙叉;饰扣,挂环;

【英文释义】 Noun: any of various tailless stout-bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping; semiaquatic and terrestrial species

a person of French descent

a decorative loop of braid or cord

Verb: hunt frogs for food

【frog相关词】 bullfrog n. 牛蛙,菜蛙;frogeye n. 蛙眼病;frogfish n. 襞鱼科;froghopper n. 沫蝉,吹泡虫;frogman n. 蛙人,潜水员;frogmouth n. 蛙嘴夜鹰;leapfrog n. 跳背游戏(分开两腿从背弯站立者身上跳过),(两支部队)交互跃进,竞相提高; v. 跳背,交替前进,跃过;

【frog相关词条】 double frog 双辙叉,菱形交叉;green frog 池蛙;spring frog 弹性辙叉;frog-march vt. 使(犯人)面朝下由四人提着四肢行走;frog length 辙叉长度;marsupial frog 囊蛙;frog wing 辙叉翼;welded frog 焊接辙叉;derail frog 脱轨辙叉;leap frog 跳背戏;tiger frog 虎纹蛙;Gopher frog 穴蛙;welded frog 焊接辙叉;Atelopid frog [医]斑蟾;spinal frog [医]脊髓蛙;frog's embryo 蛙胚;pond frog [医]黑斑蛙,青蛙;Clawed frog [医]爪蟾;frog storm 蛙暴;frog eye 蛙眼病;rheoscopical frog [医] 检电蛙;salt frog [医] 盐水蛙(用盐水维持循环的蛙);