


英音 [nest] 美音 [nɛst]


n. (鸟)窝;温床;(套叠在一起的)一套物件;藏匿处;

vt. 筑巢;嵌套;

vi. 筑巢;

【英文释义】 Noun: a structure in which animals lay eggs or give birth to their young

a kind of gun emplacement;

"a machine-gun nest" "a nest of snipers"

a cosy or secluded retreat

a gang of people (criminals or spies or terrorists) assembled in one locality;

"a nest of thieves"

furniture pieces made to fit close together

Verb: inhabit a nest, usually after building;

"birds are nesting outside my window every Spring"

fit together or fit inside;

"nested bowls"

move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position;

"We cuddled against each other to keep warm" "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags"

gather nests

【nest相关词】 dishonest adj. 不诚实的,不老实的;不正直的;狡猾的,阴险的;不可靠的;earnest adj. 热心的;诚挚的,真挚的;重要的; n. 热心;认真;定钱,保证金;诚挚;honest adj. 诚实的;坦诚的;老实的;辛勤挣得的;nester n. 试验筛组的单位筛;nestle vi. 安居,舒适地居住;偎依,贴靠;半隐半现地处于;[古语] 筑巢; vt. 满意地依偎或紧贴;抱,放;安置;nestling n. (还不能离窝的)雏鸟; v. 舒适而温暖地安定下来( nestle的现在分词 );依偎;温暖舒服地靠拢;偎依;

【nest相关词条】 drying nest 干燥部分;bird's nest n. 鸟巢,燕窝;nest parasitism 巢寄生;retaining nest 定位槽;nest egg n. 养老金,储备金;留窝鸡蛋;bird's-nest vi. 掏鸟巢;鸟窝;燕窝;rollaway nest 滚道,滑槽;crow's-nest n. 桅上守望台,守望楼;spring nest 弹簧组;love-nest n. 情人幽会处;bird nest 鸟窝,锅垢,炉渣;鸟巢;egg-nest [医] 卵球;synaptic nest [医]突触巢;completely-nest [计] 完全嵌套;swallow nest [医]燕菜;mare's nest n. 不实或无价值的发现,杂乱;nest epiphyte 巢状附生植物;nest-building 筑巢;graphite nest 石墨巢孔(铸件缺陷),石墨粗大疏松组织;nest plate 模穴套板;套片;nest building 营巢,筑巢;neural nest [医]神经巢;