


英音 [θɜ:d] 美音 [θɜrd]


n. 第三;三分之一;第三档;

adj. 第三的;三分之一的;

【英文释义】 Noun: one of three equal parts of a divisible whole;

"it contains approximately a third of the minimum daily requirement"

the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed near the third of the bases in the infield (counting counterclockwise from home plate);

"he is playing third"

following the second position in an ordering or series;

"a distant third" "he answered the first question willingly, the second reluctantly, and the third with resentment"

the musical interval between one note and another three notes away from it;

"a simple harmony written in major thirds"

the third from the lowest forward ratio gear in the gear box of a motor vehicle;

"you shouldn't try to start in third gear"

the base that must be touched third by a base runner in baseball;

"he was cut down on a close play at third"

Adjective: coming next after the second and just before the fourth in position

Adverb: in the third place;

"third we must consider unemployment"

【third相关词】 thirdhand 第三次转手的,间接的;thirdly adv. 第三;ordinal n. 序数;比较; adj. 序数的;first n. 第一,最初;头等;一号,;[乐]高音部; adv. 最早,最初;首次;宁愿;优先; adj. 第一流的;最初的,最早的;基本的,概要的;高音的; num. 第一;second n. 秒;瞬间;次货;第二份食物; adj. 第二的;次要的;居第二位的;另外的; adv. 第二;其次;以第二位; vt. 支持;临时调派;附议;赞成提案;half adj. 一半的,半个的; n. 半;一半;(啤酒等饮料的)半品脱;(比赛、音乐会等的)半场; adv. 一半;部份地;fourth n. 第四;月的第四日;四分之一;第四音级; adj. 第四的;四分之一的; num. 第四;tenth n. 第十;十分之一; adj. 第十的,第十个的;十分之一的;twentieth n. 二十分之一;(某月的)二十日; adj. 第二十的;二十分之一的; num. 第二十;hundredth num. 第100个;百分之一;第一百号;第一百个; adj. 第一百的;第一百个的;percent n. 百分比,百分数;百分之一; adj. 百分之…的,每一百中有…的;百分之…支付利息的; adv. 以百分之…地,每一百中有…地;

【third相关词条】 third-degree vi. 酷刑逼供;third world 第三世界;third phase 第三相;third class n. 三等,三级;三等舱;third hand 卷纸工,第三手(装在重型底座上带有鳄牙夹的两个可调臂,可像手一样持住小型机件,辅助焊接用);minor third n. 小三(音)度;third rail n. 电动机车的输电轨(借以供给动力),烈酒;third estate n. 平民阶级;third wave 第三次浪潮;third party n. 第三方;third cousin 三表(第三代的堂表兄妹);third corpuscle [医] 血小板;third generation 第三代;third rate [经] 劣等的,三等的;third differential 第三差速器;third republic [法] 法兰西第三共和国;third ovary [医] 第三卵巢;third stage [医] 第三产程;第三级;third triad [化] 重铂组金属, 重铂三素组(指锇、铱、铂);third psychotherapy [医]第三心理治疗;third pinion 三轮齿轴,第三小齿轮;