


英音 [pu:l] 美音 [pul]


n. 水池;石油层;(液体等的)一滩;共同储金;

vi. 使形成池塘或水洼;淤积;合伙经营;采(煤等);

【英文释义】 Noun: an excavation that is (usually) filled with water

a small lake;

"the pond was too small for sailing"

an organization of people or resources that can be shared;

"a car pool" "a secretarial pool" "when he was first hired he was assigned to the pool"

an association of companies for some definite purpose

any communal combination of funds;

"everyone contributed to the pool"

a small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid;

"there were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain" "the body lay in a pool of blood"

the combined stakes of the betters

something resembling a pool of liquid;

"he stood in a pool of light" "his chair sat in a puddle of books and magazines"

any of various games played on a pool table having 6 pockets

Verb: combine into a common fund;

"We pooled resources"

join or form a pool of people

【pool相关词】 Blackpool 黑泽(英格兰西北部的一个城市);Hartlepool 哈特尔普尔(英国英格兰东北部港市);Liverpool n. 利物浦;Pontypool [地名] [加拿大、英国] 庞蒂浦;cesspool n. 污水坑,化粪池,污秽场所;poolroom n. 弹子房,收赌注处;poolside n. 游泳池边; adj. 在游泳池边的;spool n. 线轴,线管;线轴状物;卷络的数量[长度];缠线框; vt. 把…绕在卷轴上;缠绕;vanpool n. 上下班交通车合用小组;whirlpool n. 漩涡,涡流;混乱,纷乱;

【pool相关词条】 page pool 页库;patent pool 专利权共享互用的一组企业;blind pool 委任企业同盟;swimming-pool 游泳池;water pool 水池;segregation pool 离析池;literal pool 文字库;bear pool 投机商人预料跌价而合伙;welding pool 焊接熔池;pool cathode 汞弧阴极,液池阴极;shallow pool 浅水池;浅熔池;general pool 通用池;rain pool 雨水坑;external pool [医]外树种库;tide pool 潮池,潮间带水坑,满潮池;pool reactor 池式反应堆;blood pool [医]血池;sewage pool 污水池;metabolic pool 代谢总贮库;proliferation pool [医]细胞增殖源;