


英音 [steɪdʒ] 美音 [stedʒ]


n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站;

vt.& vi. 上演,演出;筹办,举行;适于上演;坐公共马车旅行;

vt. 举行;展现;上演;筹划;

vi. 适于上演,适合在舞台上演出;乘公交车(或驿车)旅行;[军事]中间集结,扎营;

【英文释义】 Noun: any distinct time period in a sequence of events;

"we are in a transitional stage in which many former ideas must be revised or rejected"

a specific identifiable position in a continuum or series or especially in a process;

"a remarkable degree of frankness" "at what stage are the social sciences?"

a large platform on which people can stand and can be seen by an audience;

"he clambered up onto the stage and got the actors to help him into the box"

the theater as a profession (usually `the stage');

"an early movie simply showed a long kiss by two actors of the contemporary stage"

a large coach-and-four formerly used to carry passengers and mail on regular routes between towns;

"we went out of town together by stage about ten or twelve miles"

a section or portion of a journey or course;

"then we embarked on the second stage of our Caribbean cruise"

any scene regarded as a setting for exhibiting or doing something;

"All the world's a stage" "it set the stage for peaceful negotiations"

a small platform on a microscope where the specimen is mounted for examination

Verb: perform (a play), especially on a stage;

"we are going to stage `Othello'"

plan, organize, and carry out (an event);

"the neighboring tribe staged an invasion"

【stage相关词】 backstage adv. 后台;秘密地;背地里;在幕后;downstage adj. 向舞台前方,在舞台前; adv. 向舞台前方,在舞台前地; n. 舞台的前半部;forestage n. 舞台幕布以前的部分;hostage n. 人质;抵押品;multistage adj. 多级的;多段;多工位;postage n. 邮费,邮资;stagecoach n. 驿马车;stagecraft n. 编剧才能,上演术;stagehand n. 舞台管理;stager n. 老练的人,经验丰富的人,演员;stagey adj. 做作的;substage adj. (显微镜)台下的; n. 辅台;upstage adv. 向舞台后部;在舞台后部; adj. 舞台后部的;傲慢的;自负的; n. 舞台后部;后台; vt. 抢戏;抢镜头;使相形见绌;傲慢地对待;uredostage n. 夏孢子期;wastage n. 消耗;废物;浪费(量);(冰、雪的)消融;

【stage相关词条】 stage by stage adv. 逐步地;preconstruction stage 施工前阶段;diagram stage 图解阶段;pilot stage 样品试制阶段;astern stage 倒车级;ring stage 环形期;stage racing 分段赛;trefoil stage 三叶期;project stage 设计阶段;hypopial stage 休眠期;stage aeration 分段曝气;STAGE n. 阶段;舞台;戏剧;驿站; vt.& vi. 上演,演出;筹办,举行;适于上演;坐公共马车旅行; vt. 举行;展现;上演;筹划; vi. 适于上演,适合在舞台上演出;乘公交车(或驿车)旅行;[军事]中间集结,扎营;stage-by-stage elimination [电] 级间除去法;stage-by-stage method 逐级计算法;erythrocyte stage 红细胞内期;stage planning 分期规划;cypris stage 介虫期;palmella stage 伪群体期;