


英音 [neɪm] 美音 [nem]


n. 名字;名声;有…名称的;著名的人物;

vt. 确定;决定;给…取名;说出…的名字;

adj. 著名的;据以取名;

【英文释义】 Noun: a language unit by which a person or thing is known;

"his name really is George Washington" "those are two names for the same thing"

a person's reputation;

"he wanted to protect his good name"

family based on male descent;

"he had no sons and there was no one to carry on his name"

a well-known or notable person;

"they studied all the great names in the history of France" "she is an important figure in modern music"

by the sanction or authority of;

"halt in the name of the law"

a defamatory or abusive word or phrase

Verb: assign a specified (usually proper) proper name to;

"They named their son David" "The new school was named after the famous Civil Rights leader"

give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property;

"Many senators were named in connection with the scandal" "The almanac identifies the auspicious months"

charge with a function; charge to be;

"She was named Head of the Committee" "She was made president of the club"

create and charge with a task or function;

"nominate a committee"

mention and identify by name;

"name your accomplices!"

make reference to;

"His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"

identify as in botany or biology, for example

give or make a list of; name individually; give the names of;

"List the states west of the Mississippi"

determine or distinguish the nature of a problem or an illness through a diagnostic analysis

【name相关词】 Suriname 苏里南;forename n. 名;misname vt. 叫错…的名字,给…取名不当;nameless adj. 不知名的;无名的;不可名状的;(因听者知道你所指或不想令某人难堪)不会指名道姓;namely adv. 即,也就是;换句话说;亦即;就是说;nameplate n. 姓名牌,名称牌;namesake n. 同姓的人;同名的人;同姓名的人;同名的事物;nametape 标有名字的布条,名条;nickname n. 绰号;诨名;昵称; vt. 给…起绰号;用诨名[爱称]称呼;叫错名字;prename n. 名(在姓之前,如John Smith中的John);surname n. 姓,姓氏;别名,绰号; vt. 给…加姓;

【name相关词条】 maiden name n. (女子的)婚前姓,娘家姓;report name 报表名称;full name 全名;全称;姓名;given name n. 教名;relocatable name 浮动名称;name replacement 换名;standardized name 标准名;physical name 实体名;old name n. 原名;code-name v. 给与代号;conjunctive name 连接名称;NAME n. 名字;名声;有…名称的;著名的人物; vt. 确定;决定;给…取名;说出…的名字; adj. 著名的;据以取名;extension name (表示档案类型的)扩展名;name field 名字栏,名字域;correct name [医]正确名称;tabulator name [计] 制表机名;filed name [医]字段名,域名;call name 呼叫名称;scenario name [计] 方案名称;name entry 名称记录;section name 节名,组名;段名;