


英音 [kaɪnd] 美音 [kaɪnd]


n. 〈古〉方式,方法;本质,天性;同类;某类;

adj. 仁慈的,体贴的;友善的,好心的;温和;宽宏大量的;

【英文释义】 Noun: a category of things distinguished by some common characteristic or quality;

"sculpture is a form of art" "what kinds of desserts are there?"

Adjective: having or showing a tender and considerate and helpful nature; used especially of persons and their behavior;

"kind to sick patients" "a kind master" "kind words showing understanding and sympathy" "thanked her for her kind letter"

agreeable, conducive to comfort;

"a dry climate kind to asthmatics" "the genial sunshine" "hot summer pavements are anything but kind to the feet"

tolerant and forgiving under provocation;

"our neighbor was very kind about the window our son broke"

【kind相关词】 Dedekind 人名;(德)狄德金;(俄)杰杰金德;Susskind [人名] 萨斯坎德;gavelkind n. (英国)一种土地、财产继承制度或习惯;humankind n. 人类;kindergarten n. 幼儿园,学前班;kindergartner n. 幼儿园教师,幼儿园里的小孩;kindhearted adj. 好心肠的,仁慈的,同情的;心慈;心眼儿好;心地善良;kindle vt.& vi. 点燃,照耀;煽动,鼓舞;着火;发亮; n. 电子书阅读器;kindless adj. 薄情的,冷酷的;kindliness n. 厚道,亲切,友好的行为;kindling n. 引火柴; v. (使某物)燃烧,着火( kindle的现在分词 );激起(感情等);发亮,放光;kindly adv. 亲切地;友好地;诚恳地,衷心地;(用作请求时的礼貌用语或把命令说成请求的反语)请; adj. 厚道的,亲切的;温和的,宜人的;〈古〉自然的;kindness n. 仁慈,善行;友好的行为;kindred n. 亲戚关系; adj. 同宗的; 同源的;类似的; 相似的;mankind n. 人类;男性,男子;unkind adj. 不够和善的,不亲切的;冷酷的;无情的;womankind n. 妇女们,女性;womenkind n. 妇女们,女性;wunderkind n. 神童,少年得志者,有巨大成就的青年人;

【kind相关词条】 first kind 第一类,第一种;kind-hearted adj. 仁慈的,好心的;脸软心慈;kind band 扭折带;kind of 稍微,有点儿,有几分;in kind 性质上;以实物偿付;kissing kind 亲近到可以接吻的,亲密的;four of a kind 四张相同的牌;levy in kind 征实,课征实物;dividend in kind 实物股息;reparations in kind 货物赔偿;after its kind 按其本性;moral kind 道德类属;kind graft 皮下接;soil kind 土壤属;income in kind 实物收入,实物所得;kind of test 试验类别;pay in kind 以货代钱,以同样手段回敬,以其人之道还治其人之身;