


英音 [krɒs] 美音 [krɔs]


n. 十字架;十字形饰物;杂交品种;痛苦;

vi. 交错而行;横渡;越境;

vt. 杂交;横跨,穿越;划掉;使相交;

adj. 坏脾气的, 易怒的;相反的,反向的;

【英文释义】 Noun: a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece

a marking that consists of lines that cross each other

a representation of the structure on which Jesus was crucified; used as an emblem of Christianity or in heraldry

any affliction that causes great suffering;

"that is his cross to bear" "he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns"

(genetics) an organism that is the offspring of genetically dissimilar parents or stock; especially offspring produced by breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species;

"a mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey"

(genetics) the act of mixing different species or varieties of animals or plants and thus to produce hybrids

Adjective: extending or lying across; in a crosswise direction; at right angles to the long axis;

"cross members should be all steel" "from the transverse hall the stairway ascends gracefully" "transversal vibrations" "transverse colon"

annoyed and irritable

Verb: travel across or pass over;

"The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day"

meet at a point

hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of;

"What ultimately frustrated every challenger was Ruth's amazing September surge" "foil your opponent"

fold so as to resemble a cross;

"she crossed her legs"

to cover or extend over an area or time period;

"Rivers traverse the valley floor" "The parking lot spans 3 acres" "The novel spans three centuries"

meet and pass;

"the trains crossed"

trace a line through or across;

"cross your `t'"

breed animals or plants using parents of different races and varieties;

"cross a horse and a donkey" "Mendel tried crossbreeding" "these species do not interbreed"

【cross相关词】 Waycross [地名] [美国] 韦克罗斯;across prep. 穿过;横穿,横过;与…交叉;在…对面; adv. 横过,越过;在对面;交叉;斜对面;autocross n. 汽车越野比赛;backcross n. 回[逆]交,回交杂种; vt. 使回交; vi. 回交;crisscross n. 十字形图案,纵横交错的网; vt. (在…范围内)纵横交错、交叉;crossbar n. 闩,横木,球门的横木;crossbeam n. 大梁,横梁;crossbill n. 交喙鸟;crossbones n. 交叉腿骨的图形;crossbow n. (昔日的)石弓,弩;crossbred adj. 杂种的,杂交的; n. 杂种; v. 杂交繁育(crossbreed的过去式和过去分词);crossbreed n. 杂交动物;杂种;crosscheck vt. (以不同的方法)核对(计算结果等),核查;crosscourt adv.& adj. 斜线地[的],斜切地[的],向着对方半场(的);crosscurrent n. 横流,反对意见,相反的趋势;crosscut n. 捷径,横切; adj. 横切的; v. 横切;横越,横穿;crosscutting v. 捷径,横切( crosscut的过去分词 );横切的;crosse n. 长曲棍球的球棒;crossfire n. 交叉火力;来自多方面的攻击;卷入两者的争执中并因此遭殃;(可能偶然影响未直接参与者的)激烈言行;crosshatch vt. 以交叉线作出阴影,画出交叉阴影线;crosshead n. 小标题;子题;十字头;丁字头;crossing n. 人行横道,十字路口;交叉,相交;横越;渡口; v. 交叉(cross的现在分词);crossopterygian n.& adj. 总鳍组鱼(的);crossover n. [生](杂色体的)杂交,交换;[铁路]岔道,转线路;(交搭胸前的)女围巾;天桥;crosspatch n. 脾气暴躁的人;crosspiece n. 横档,横杆;crossroad n. 十字路口;重大抉择的关头;crossruff n. 同一方的人互相出王牌;crosstalk n. 电信频道之间的串话干扰;相声;crosstie n. 枕木;crosstree 桅楼横木;crosswalk n. 人行横道(供行人穿越道路用);crossway n. 交叉路,岔路;crossways adv. 交叉地,相反地;crosswind n. 横风,侧风;crosswise adj.& adv. 交叉的(地);motocross n. 摩托车越野赛;outcross vt. 使远交,使异型杂交;testcross n. 测交(一种使杂种子一代与隐性类型交配以测定杂种子一代遗传型的方法);
