


英音 [lɒŋ] 美音 [lɔŋ]


adj. 长的;长时间的;冗长的,过长的;长音的;

adv. 长久地;始终;遥远地;

n. 长时间,长时期;[语]长音节;(服装的)长尺寸;长裤;

vi. 渴望,极想;

【英文释义】 Adjective: primarily temporal sense; being or indicating a relatively great or greater than average duration or passage of time or a duration as specified;

"a long life" "a long boring speech" "a long time" "a long friendship" "a long game" "long ago" "an hour long"

primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified;

"a long road" "a long distance" "contained many long words" "ten miles long"

of relatively great height;

"a race of long gaunt men" "looked out the long French windows"

good at remembering;

"a retentive mind" "tenacious memory"

holding securities or commodities in expectation of a rise in prices;

"is long on coffee" "a long position in gold"

(of speech sounds or syllables) of relatively long duration;

"the English vowel sounds in `bate', `beat', `bite', `boat', `boot' are long"

involving substantial risk;

"long odds"

planning prudently for the future;

"large goals that required farsighted policies" "took a long view of the geopolitical issues"

having or being more than normal or necessary:

"long on brains" "in long supply"

Adverb: for an extended time or at a distant time;

"a promotion long overdue" "something long hoped for" "his name has long been forgotten" "talked all night long" "how long will you be gone?" "arrived long before he was expected" "it is long after your bedtime"

for an extended distance

Verb: desire strongly or persistently

【long相关词】 Geelong 季隆(澳大利亚东南部港市);Qianlong 乾隆;along adv. 一起;向前;进展;到某处; prep. 沿着;顺着;靠着…边;belong vi. 属于;是…的成员;应被放在;适应;daylong adj. 终日的,整天的; adv. 终日,一整天;endlong adv. 纵,直立,全长地;erelong v. 不久;furlong n. 弗隆,浪(长度单位);headlong adv. 头向前地;急速地;轻率地; adj. 头向前的;急速的;轻率的;险峻的;lifelong adj. 毕生的,终身的;永生不渝的;livelong adj. 整个的;long. abbr. longitude 经度,经线;longan n. 龙眼;桂圆;longanimity n. 忍受,坚忍;longboat n. (旧时)帆船附载的大艇;longbow n. 大弓,长弓;longeron n. (飞机)机身的纵梁;翼梁;桅杆;longevity n. 长寿;寿命;长期供职;longhair n. 演奏(或喜爱)古典音乐的人;(不切实际的)文人;(嬉皮士之类)留长发者;长毛猫; adj. 知识分子的;longhand n. 普通书法(速记或打字);longhead n. 头颅长的人;longheaded adj. 有远见的,有头脑的,聪明的;longhorn n. 长角牛,音乐探测器;longhouse (英国旧式人畜共居的)长屋;longicorn adj. 有长角的,有长触角的(如某些甲虫);longing n. 渴望,热望; adj. 渴望的;极想得到的; v. 渴望(long的现在分词);longitude n. 经度,经线;[天]黄经;longitudinal adj. 经度的;纵向的;纵的;纵观的;longshore adj. 沿岸的,在海岸工作的;longshoreman n. 港口工人,码头装卸工人;longsome adj. 冗长的,令人厌倦的;longspur n. 铁爪鸟;longueur n. 乏味的部分;longwise adv. 纵长地;longyi n. 腰布,头巾;

【long相关词条】 LONG. abbr. longitude 经度,经线;long journey 长途旅行;long-headed adj. 精明的,敏锐的;long distillate 宽馏分;long body 有弹性的体质;long-cherished adj. 被长期渴望的;long direction 纵向;long since 从前,往昔;早就;long market 买多市场;long stock 行市看涨时买进的股票;long-awaited adj. 被期待已久的;盼望已久;long. abbr. longitude 经度,经线;long long ago 很久很久以前;long message 长报文;long flax 长亚麻;long forceps 长镊;long day 长日照;昶;long firm 诈骗商,(骗取货物不付钱的)滑头公司;long arc 长弧;