


Should high schools cancel the credits entirely if students’ unexcused leave of absences are over a number of classes?




Course credit is a reflection of student’s efforts and devotion on a certain subject for each semester. In order to graduate from high school on time, students need to meet the minimum requirement for credits. Some high school educators maintain that those who take a leave of absence with no excuse or explanation for over a number of classes do not deserve the course credits, where as others claim that schools do not have the rights to cancel all the course credits simply because of missing some classes. From my perspective, high school instructors should establish some penalties such as canceling the credits entirely, since excessive unexcused absences have seriously hindered the student’s academic achievement in any course.

To begin with,canceling all the course credits due to the unexcused leave of absence for over certain amount of hours will teach the high school students the importance of attending classes. In this regard, attending a class is the fundamental step to learn new knowledge. The assiduous teachers will impart all the essence and key points to high school students in class. It would be imperative and productive to cherish the invaluable and limited school time in order to assimilate new information quickly. Therefore, being aware of the significance of class attendance, young students would take the academic class hours more seriously.To illustrate, for those who skip the classes, they may be simply bored at studying the tedious knowledge, memorizing the theories, taking the quizzes or preparing the presentations. Moreover, truancy or oversleeping may also lead to unexcused absence. It is understandable that adolescents would like to stay in bed a little longer rather than getting up early to school, especially on a cold winter morning. However, without any penalties, young students may take it for granted that they can choose to attend the class or not as they wish. The main purpose of the education is not only impart the academic knowledge to the next generation, but also making them aware the value of learning during the class hour.

In addition, by facing the loss of credits, students may realize that they should be responsible for their irresponsible behaviors. Without an advance notice, leaving school is a behavior showing lack of care for consequences. Therefore, high schools ought to criticize the irresponsible students for without properly considering the serious consequences. For the youngsters, studying is the most important task for them. Excellent academic performance is the premise of a bright future. There is no excuse for any student to shun the most fundamental task of studying.When the maximum absence hour rule is reached, students will not receive any course credit for the entire semester. It is not only a punishment for those who fail to present excessively, but also can serve as a deterrent for other students who have the idea to violate the rule.Students must take the consequences of unable to graduate from high school because of failing to meet the minimum requirements for credits.

Many students or parents may hold that cancelling credits entirely is not fair, since it completely denies all the efforts and time students have paid on the other subjects. However, is it fair for those students who make untiring efforts to safeguard their high GPA by attending every class in earnest; is it fair for teachers who have spent countless hours preparing for the lectures?It will be truly not fair for every student in high school if the administers condone unexcused class absences rather than condemning this kind of behavior. Since students have the rights to opt out of any class before the deadline, giving an advance notice or asking the approval from school is the least a student should do. Hence, lacking of proper respect to their teachers and school’s rules and regulations, it is definitely reasonable to withdraw all the credits because of excessive unapproved leave of absences.

In sum, by giving the right to take all the credits away


from a student who are absent from school over a number of classes, the school can help students understand the importance and necessity of class attendance and their unavoidable responsibility.