

为了匹配“开学大礼包-SAT语法系列讲座-主谓一致”:http://sat.zhan.com/tifen/33293.html ,下列是对应的主谓一致练习,答案在最后,大家看看是否学会主谓一致,都是真题哦。

1. Although science offers the hope A of preventing serious genetic diseases, B there is difficult ethical questions C raised by the D possibility of altering human heredity. E No error

2. A newly formed organization


of homeowners and business people A have met with the transportation department B to voice its C concerns about D plans for a shopping mall in the community. E No error

3. The Stegosaurus, A plant-eating dinosaurs with B protective bony plates and tail spikes, was C once common in D what is now Colorado. E No error

4. Innovative use of computers in the classroom allows students A to undertake projects that B encourages C them to be D both analytical and intellectually adventurous. E No error

5. Freedom of action and expression A are at the foundation B not only of our system of government but also of our C expectations concerning human relations D at all levels of society. E No error


6. A After 140 years B under the sea , the remains of the Monitor, an ironclad warship that was sunk during the Civil War, C is being gradually D brought to the surface. E No error

7. A sweetener, normally A either sugar or syrup, B are used in almost all bread C for taste or D as an aid to yeast growth. E No error

8. The credit for making Franz Kafka A internationally famous as a writer B belong to his friend, novelist Max Brod, C who edited Kafka’s unpublished manuscripts D and then had them published, despite Kafka’s dying wishes to the contrary. E No error

9. The United States is the world’s largest A producer of cranberries and cranberry products, B most of which C is consumed there D and in Canada. E No error

10. The A uncompromising tone of a recent city hall ordinance B concerning the blocking of emergency vehicles in traffic jams C carry a stern warning D to motorists. E No error

答案: B A A B A  C B B C C