

为了匹配“开学大礼包-SAT语法系列讲座-比较结构”:http://sat.zhan.com/tifen/33362.html ,下列是对应的比较结构练习,答案在最后,大家看看是否学会比较结构,都是真题哦。

1. A Reaching lengths of twelve inches, banana slugs B are the C much larger of all the


slug species that D inhabit North America. E No error

2. A Obviously , Whistler’s paintings, B unlike Klee, are C conventional in D their subject matter. E No error

3. Venezuela A devotes a higher percentage B of its budget to education C than do other large Latin American countries D such as Mexico and Brazil. E No error

4. (A)One can (B)hardly determine (C)which contributes (D)more to the success of a violinist—innate skill or regular practice. (E)No error

5. The Red Cross workers had not expected the (A)refugees from the flooded plain (B)to be as desperate and as undernourished (C)as those whom they (D)had seen earlier in the week. (E)No error

6. (A)Attaining speeds of (B)up to 60 miles per hour, cheetahs (C)are perhaps the (D)fastest of land animals. (E)No error


7. The architect’s research shows that even when builders A construct houses B of stone, they C still use the hammer more than D any tool. E No error

8. Winston Churchill, A unlike many English prime ministers B before him, had deep insight C into the D workings of the human mind. E No error

9. Lynn Margulis's theory A that evolution is a process B involving interdependency rather than competition among organisms C differs dramatically from D most biologists. E No error

10. Our new neighbors are the (A) most sociable people we (B) have ever met, and our (C) chief interests, cooking and politics, are similar to (D) them. (E) No error