


1. A writer who well understood the plight of the underprivileged, many acclaim Richard Wright as the novelist of the downtrodden.

(A) many acclaim Richard Wright as

(B) many have acclaimed Richard Wright as

(C) Richard Wright is being acclaimed by many as

(D) Richard Wright has been widely acclaimed as

(E) widely acclaimed is Richard Wright as

2. The educator’s remarks stressed that well-funded literacy programs are needed if everyone is to gain the skills required for survival in society.

(A) that well-funded literacy programs are needed if everyone is to gain

(B) that well-funded literacy programs needed in gaining

(C) there is a need of well-funded literacy programs for everyone will gain

(D) a need for well-funded literacy programs and everyone will gain

(E) why well-funded literacy programs being necessary for everyone in gaining

3. Whatever price the company (A)finally sets for the fuel (B)will probably be determined (C)as much by politics as by a realistic (D)appraisal of the market. (E)No error

4. As patients, the medical directors of the clinic believe that you are entitled to know the reason for the increase in fees.

(A) As patients, the medical directors of the clinic believe that you

(B) The belief of the clinic's medical directors about patients is that you

(C) You, as patients, are believed by the clinical medical directors, and



(D) The medical directors of the clinic, who believe that you, as patients,

(E) The medical directors of the clinic believe that as patients, you

5. Trees are able to collect large amounts of water from fog—in some areas as much as thirty inches annually.

(A) in some areas as much as thirty inches annually

(B) in some areas having thirty inches per year

(C) in some places collecting about thirty inches per year annually

(D) collecting the equal of thirty inches annually in some places

(E) which in some areas amounts to thirty inches collected annually

6. One challenge that writer Eleanor Wong Telemaque faced was (A)how preserving her ethnic identity (B)while becoming more (C)accessible to readers who are not (D)accustomed to writers from other cultural backgrounds. (E)No error

7. Many colleges are adopting work-study programs, which offer practical advantages to both the students and the institutions.

(A) programs, which offer practical advantages to both the students and

(B) programs, which offers practical advantages to both the students and

(C) programs, which offer both practical advantages to the students plus

(D) programs; it offers practical advantages to both the students as well as

(E) programs; this offers practical advantages both to the students and


8. The tragic story of Paolo and Francesca was the subject of a poem and a symphony, being popular throughout the nineteenth century.

(A) The tragic story of Paolo and Francesca was the subject of a poem and a symphony, being popular throughout the nineteenth century.

(B) The tragic story of Paolo and Francesca was popular throughout the nineteenth century, where it is being made the subject of a poem and a symphony.

(C) The tragic story of Paolo and Francesca was popular throughout the nineteenth century, when it was the subject of both a poem and a symphony.

(D) Paolo and Francesca, whose tragic story was the subject of a popular poem and symphony throughout the nineteenth century.

(E) Being the subject of a poem and a symphony, the tragic story of Paolo and Francesca having been popular throughout the nineteenth century.

9. Many of the instruments used in early operations of the United States Army Signal Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of the heliograph.

(A) Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of the heliograph

(B) Corps, there were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly the heliograph

(C) Corps, and in particular the heliograph, was an adaptation of equipment used by the Plains Indians

(D) Corps, particularly the heliograph, were adap¬tations of equipment used by Plains Indians

(E) Corps being adaptations, the heliograph in par¬ticular, of those used by Plains Indians

10. The article featured the Sea Islands because many were known there to live much as their ancestors of a century ago had lived.

(A) many were known there to live

(B) they were known there for living

(C) many of the people there were known to live

(D) of the many people, they were there living

(E) of knowing that many people lived there