



a means of 一种手段…

a swarm of 一群…

abandon oneself to sth/doing sth 抛弃…去做…

absence from 缺席

access to 接近…

account for 解释…

accuse sb of sth 控告…

acquaint sb with sth 使…熟悉

adhere to 用于正式场合:坚持、信守

be adjacent to 邻近

advocate of/for 提倡

after all 毕竟

be akin to 近似,类似于

be liable for 负有责任

appeal to sb 对...吸引,感染力

appeal to sb for sth 呼吁,恳求

appetite for 对…欲望

approach...to...sth 接近

approve of 赞成

arrange for 安排

ascribe A to B = attribute A to B 把A归功于B

at one’s peril 自担风险

attest to sth 证明

aversion to sb/sth 反感


be accustomed to 习惯于

be discharged from 释放,解雇

be engrossed in 全神贯注

be adept at 擅长

be teeming with 充满

break a tie 打破僵局


cater for/to 迎合

coax sb into doing 哄骗

collide with 碰撞

condemn …as … 谴责

confine to sth 限于…之内

consent to sth 同意

contribute to sth 有助于


declaim against 抗议

deduce from 推断

deprive of 剥夺

derive from 源于

descend from 传下来

(be) desirous of 想要

detach from 从…分离

deviate from 偏离

discourse on/upon 讲述

dissolve in 溶入


(be) eligible to do 够资格去做

entice sb into doing 诱使…做…

equate … with … 等同

excel in/at 擅长

exclude sb from sth 排除

exempt from 免除


fall prey to 成为…的牺牲品

fancy doing sth 喜欢做

for fear that 生怕

give into sth 屈服


have an advantage over 优于

hinder from 妨碍


immerse sb/sth in 陷入

immune from/to 免疫

in defiance of 不顾

(be) indicative of 表明

in retrospect 回顾

in ruins 成为废墟

incorporate in 包含

isolate from 使…隔离



just so…as 正如正好和…一样

just as... as 就像...一样


lapse into 陷入

lash out at 抨击

linger on 徘徊


menace to sth 威胁


on behalf of 代表


(be) oblivious of/to 健忘的

on the verge of 在…边缘


partake of 分担

(be) pertinent to 相关的

preclude sb from doing 阻止

prejudice against 偏见

preoccupation with 全神贯注

preside over 主持

prevail on 胜过

prior to sth 在…之前

be prone to sth 有倾向的


rail against 抱怨

reconcile sb to sth 调停,和解

reign over 统治


shield from 庇护

speculate on/about 推测

(be) steadfast in 坚定

stem from 起源于

stir up 激起

subscribeto sth 订阅

summon up 鼓舞,召唤

surrender to sth 投降


tamper with 贿赂,胡乱摆弄

the bulk of 大多数

(be) typical of 是…的典型


(be) weary of 疲倦