
今天分享给大家的是New SAT OG非小说类文章题源统计,通过这些可以看出新SAT考试的一个趋势。希望对大家的备考有用!


OG 1 Passage 2

Money can't buy love: Asymmetric Beliefs about Gift Price and Feelings of Appreciation

题源:Journal of Experimental Social Psychological (期刊)

Passage 3

Genetical Implications of the Structure of Deoxyribonucleic Acid

题源:Nature (杂志)

Passage 5 对比文

Space Mining: the Next Gold Rush?

题源:New Scientist (杂志)

Taming the Final Frontier

题源:New Scientist (杂志)

OG 2 Passage 2

Can Economics Be Ethical


Passage 3 (对比文)

Author Nicholas Carr: The Web Shatters Focus, Rewires Brains

题源:Conde Nast (杂志)

Mind over Mass Media

题源:the New York Times (杂志)

Passage 4

Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s address to the 1869 Suffrage Convention


Passage 5

Long a Mystery, How 500-Meter-High Undersea Waves Form Ls Revealed

题源:Scientific American (杂志)

OG 3 Passage 2

Straphanger: Saving Our Cities and Ourselves from the Automobile

题源:Taras Grescoe年终报告(报告)

Passage 4 对比文

Report on Public Instruction

题源:Talleyrand (论文)

A Vindication of the Rights

题源:Mary Wollstonecraft (论文)

Passage 5

Honey Bee Colony Collapse Disorder is Possibly Caused a Dietary Pyrethrum Deficiency

题源:Richard J. Sharpe and Lisa Heyden (论文)

OG 4 Passage 2 社会学

The Great Inversion and the Future of the American City

题源:Alan Ehrenhalt (论文)

Passage 4 (对比文)

Reflections on the Revolution in France

题源:Edmund Burke (书)

Rights of Man

题源:Thomas Paine (书)

Passage 5 科学文

Source of Mysterious Medieval Eruption Identified

题源:American Association for the Advancement ofScience (论文)



1. 文章选材来源广泛

不难发现,在新SAT OG中非小说类文章很多来自欧美比较流行的报纸、杂志,但也有不少来自期刊或者作者的书稿。即使是报纸和杂志,也是种(wa)类(kong)繁(xin)多(si)。有我们熟悉的Nature,Scientific American这类科学性杂志,也有让我们大跌眼镜的时尚杂志。



3. 文章专业化,内容涵盖知识



1. The economist 《经济学人》 www.economist.com

2. TIME 《时代》 www.time.com

3. U.S. News & World Report 《美国新闻与世界报道》 www.usnews.com

4. Newsweek


《新闻周刊》 www.dailybeast.com/newsweek

5. Scientific American 《科学美国人》 www.scientificamerican.com

6. The New York Times 《纽约时报》 www.nytimes.com


The Mckinsey Quarterly 《麦肯锡季刊》

Business Week 《商业周刊》

New Scientist 《新科学家》

Discovery 《发现》

The Washington Post 《华盛顿邮报》

Science 《科学》

The Times 《泰晤士报》

Harvard Business Review 《哈佛商业评论》
