


历史/社会学篇章包括经济学,心理学,语言学和历史。值得一提的是,每次SAT阅读考试,会有一篇文章节选自美国建国文献(the Founding Documents of the United States)或者国际著名人物的演说和文稿 (the Great Global Conversation).建国文献包括《独立宣言》(the Declaration of Independence),美国宪法 (the U.S. Constitution),和权利法案(the Bill of Rights)等。国际著名人物的演说和文稿包括诸如丘吉尔演讲, 曼德拉文稿,甘地信件等等文献。




强调 (Rhetorical Emphasis):包括重复某些重要的词或词组, 重复句子结构,连续使用同义词,自问自答等等。如: Were the original documents provided? No. Were uncensored copies provided? No. Was any reasonable effort made to share key information about the contents of documents? No. Each and every request for additional information was totally and completely ignored.(使用同样结构的句子,自问自答;使用同义词each 和 every,totally和 completely 进行强调。)

并置(Juxtaposition): 将不同或相反的东西并置在一起,形成强烈的对比和反差。如: In the shadow of scrap-heaps piled high with the discarded luxuries of the world's richest economies, there live and work some of the poorest people in the developing world.

类比(Analogies):类比用来比较具有相同属性和关系的东西, 类比有助于理解复杂抽象的想法和概念。如:The government is like a pair of work boots: it protects us from injury and discomfort, but only if it is properly fitted. A pair of work boots which is too large or too small may do more harm than good, and had better be replaced. (该句先将政府比喻成靴子,然后进行类比。)

历史社会学的篇章可能是议论文 (argumentative),也可能是说明文 (explanatory),还可能是劝说型的文章(persuasive)。 很多persuasive篇章依赖的是感染读者或听众的情绪(to make you feel that they are right),而非通过论证。


