新SAT阅读OG样题题目答案解析(The Great Reset by Richard Florida )

1、Content: Rhetoric

Key: B

Objective: Students must reasonably infer an assumption that is implied in the passage.

Explanation: Choice B is the best answer because details in the third paragraph (lines 28-43) strongly suggest that researchers ("we") atthe Martin Prosperity Institute assume that shorter commutes will lead to more productive time for workers. The author notes that "across the country,commuting wastes 4.2 billion hours of work time annually" and that"the overall cost to the U.S. economy is nearly $90 billion when lost productivity and wasted fuel are taken into account" (lines 34-38). Given also thatthose at the institute "calculate that every minute shaved off America'scommuting time is worth $19.5 billion in value added to the economy" (lines 39-41),it can reasonably be concluded that some of that added value is from heightened worker productivity.

2、Content: Information and Ideas

Key: B

Objective: Students must determine the meaning of a word in the context in which it appears.

Explanation: Choice B is the best answer because the context makes clear that the clustering of jobs, innovation, and productivity will be moreconcentrated in, or more densely packed into, "a smaller number ofbigger cities and city-regions" (lines 53-54).

3、Content: Synthesis

Key: C

Objective: Students must interpret data presented graphically.

Explanation: Choice C is the best answer. Higher bars on the graph represent longer annual commuter delays than lower bars; moreover, the number of hours of annual commuter delay generally decreases as one moves from left to right on the graph. The bar for Washington, D.C, is higher than and to the left of that for New York City, meaning that D.C. automobile commuters experience greater amounts of delay each year. Choice A is not the best answer because the graphs bar for New York City is higher than and to the left of that for


the average for very large cities, meaning that New York City automobile commuters experience greater, not lessen amounts of delay each year.
