








Almost all of us compare ourselves to others to see how we measure up in terms of achievements and material goods. Comparing ourselves to others can lead to feelings of envy or superiority, either of which can harm our sense of self or our relationships with others. Since no one wants negative feelings in their life, it might seem best not to compare us to others. On the other hand, comparisons can have positive outcomes: they can inspire us to work harder and better ourselves, or to share our skills and help others achieve what we have. Given these complexities, it is worth examining the benefits and drawbacks of comparing ourselves with others.

Perspective1:Comparing ourselves to others is the means by which we discover what we have and what we want. Where would we be as a society without a little comparison to motivate us?

Perspective2: It isn't wise to want what others have. You don't always know what struggles they went through to get where they are. You also can't know that what they have would benefit you in the same way.

Perspective3: Every person is different. If you keep comparing yourself to others, you will never learn how to value your unique talents. The key to success is accepting who you are.


One of the most important laws that defined the physics of our daily life the laws of thermodynamics: if the amount of heat in two object is not identical, the hotter one would lose heat to the colder one(开头的 时候可以用一些和话题无关的内容引入话题,这样会比较新颖,让读者觉得有新意). Despite being true in terms of ideal physical entities, such a simple law is not really true when it comes to people. Even though we want to believe that by comparing with others, we can learn what we do not have, the simple truth is that we will, more often than not, lose who we are(开头段按一定要提出自己的观点。这一观点在后文中一定是一直反复出现、能够将三个观点串在一起).

When we believe that we can always learn from others, we are assuming that everyone is alike(指出对方观点的前提并攻讦这个前提可以更好的反驳对方观点). One cannot be farther away from the truth. The fact is that we are all different, and are meant for different purposes. For example(例子不一定是实际的时间,因为真实的例子不见得能很清楚的解释我们需要的内容,因此可以使用假设情形。在真实性和切合性上,切合性应该是更加重要的), not everyone can be great athletes; most of the time, no matter how much one wanted, even tried to be a great athlete, he will still not be able to do it. That’s because he lacked the necessary talent. Maybe his talent is in becoming a great lawyer. Even though it is still a great calling, he will not be satisfied, simply because he cannot be a great athlete. So, if one focuses too much on comparing those they like, or want to be, they might lose sight of their true calling and their chance of being happy. Just as Perspective Three would like us believe, the only way to be happy is not by comparing with others, but embracing our unique self.(段落结尾的总结可以帮整合思路,是文章更加清楚)

Besides being different, there is another reason (段落之间联系要有,不能简单的“首先其次”)why we should not delve too much on comparing with others and wanting what they want: you never know the whole story. Perspective Two believes that we don’t know the struggles we would face to become the person we are comparing with, and we don’t know if we will truly like it. This is completely in sync with the realities of human nature. When we see success, we would assume a straight path leading to it. We would never anticipate the hardship along the way, nor do we consider the consequences of such a success. My cousin had always wanted (例子不一定非要著名的人和事,一定要选择更加切合自己论证内容的例子)to be a successful businessman like Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. So, like them, ever since college, he tried to build his own company. After almost twenty years of hard work, his company finally went public. But, recently, he confided in me that he was never happy, even when his company became one of the largest in the business, he felt more stressed than relieved. When he saw Gates and Jobs, he never realized their responsibility. Maybe my cousin would have been happier had he not compare with such successful figures, if he had sought out his own path, he might be better off for it(具体例子的结尾点名例子与段落主体观点的关系).

Of course, there are those who would argue the “motivation” comparisons can bring us(简单的让步可以出现,但是不要多说,更多的还是要攻击这个让步). In fact, such a tactic is often used by mothers around the globe. Growing up, we have been in constant exposure to the wonders of “the neighbor’s child”. Meaning to encourage and motivate us, our mothers have actually brought us more frustration than motivation. The real way to motivate is not by making one feel inferior through a stronger figure(提出Alternative,motivation有多于一个源头), but through acknowledging one’s progress. Everyone need to be recognized, and we can only be better when we are being told we are doing the right thing. So, if we really need to compare, compare with our past self. That would be the best way to go.(最后一段提出一个稍微偏向价值提升的内容)

All in all, we can easily establish that the benefits of comparing with others is somewhat fictional. We all have our insecurities, but that does not change the fact that we all have our strengths. The real trick to success and happiness is not in making ourselves feel constantly inferior, but in looking for a way to capitalize on what we already have.(除了重复开头段的主要内容以外最好再次强调一下上面提出的价值观的内容) Thus comparing with others is not the way to go.
