



  • 国外高中生优秀英语作文

  • 老师喜欢看什么样的英语作文

  • 那优秀的高中英语作文怎么写呢?





One night during tea we somehow started a conversation about favorite childhood TV shows. Just as it was always the case in conversations like this, I sat quietly in the corner of the room and listened, trying hard to understand what’s going on but did not have a clue. Perhaps because I was quieter than usual that night, Gemma noticed my awkward silence, and made the group to pay its attention.......It is not because that I don’t want to speak


—it is just that Chinese culture is very different from American culture.”(这三段叙述的是个人故事,朋友闲聊谈起儿童电视节目的话题,因中外文化大环境不同,个人观点很难被理解,所以本文作者在这个话题上欲言又止。)


What exactly is my culture? I asked myself.(以小见大,引申到文化问题上,同时也是过渡句。)


The first answer that came to my mind was a picture of the Great Wall. Then I thought about the Tiananmen Square—the Chinese equivalent of the National Mall —and the Chinese National Flag. All of these are symbols that visually represent Chinese culture, but here’s the thing: They are relevant to me, but they are not so to someone who is unfamiliar with China. In order to engage my audience, I need something more tangible and interesting, something that could create empathy regardless of cultural differences. That object, as I came to realize much later, is, in fact, my life.



Through the lens of my life,.....Of course, these are biased answers. However, coming from my own perspective, they are more effective to reflect something quite interesting but often subtle about China and its culture, because even though my story is only one out of 1.4 billion, it has been shaped and modeled and polished just like that of other Chinese people by the same language, the same history, the same political system, the same education and the same traditions. Culture is not a noun. Culture is a verb. It is how a specific group of people talk, think and see the world.



......However, why can’t we see cultures in another way? Instead of having only one worldview, we now have many different ones because of cultural exchange....Instead of letting cultures clash, we should have them talk to each other—and we are the ones who can make such communication happen.


Every single one of us on this planet has a piece of puzzle inscribed with our stories. If all of the pieces are collected and put together, we will have the picture of universal peace, love and understanding.......We are all interconnected. Our threads of fates are interwoven.I am ready to contribute my piece for peace. Are you?(倡导多元化交流,减少冲突;希望世界和平,共筑友好世界。)









