SAT OG 中出现的那些经典题考点—fragment

回忆这个考点的解释是:A sentence fragment is a statement that cannot stand alone as a sentence. A sentence fragment may be lacking a subject, a verb , or both. It might even contain words that look like subjects and verbs.我们常见的句子结构是:

1 .S ,…, which/who/conj. … .

2. S ,…, doing /done .


SAT OG 中出现的那些经典题考点—fragment图1

例:OG –TEST1-2

2. Sir Ronald Ross, winner of the 1902 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, and who identified the Anopheles mosquito as the transmitter of human malaria.

(A) and who identified

(B) he has identified

(C) and he has identified

(D) and who is identifying

(E) identif



解析:主语Sir Ronald Ross,后面逗号逗号之间插入了名词短语的同位语,划线部分开始应该是连接主语的谓语成分,而原句是连词开始的句子,所以导致这个句子fragment,缺少谓语动词,纵向比较选项,是谓语动词的只有E。

例:OG –TEST2-9

9. Legendary nineteenth-century endurance rider Frank T. Hopkins, who rode an. American mustang to victory in a 3,000-mile race across the Arabian Desert, and the hero of the Disney movie Hidalgo.


(B)and who has become

(C)also has become


(E)having been

解析:这个句子看起来很长,但是分析完句子结构后就很清晰了,S ,…, and … .很明显,句子缺少谓语,所以划线部分得是一个谓语动词,选项中是谓语的是C,D两个选项,这个句子就是在描述Frank T. Hopkins,所以一般现在时D选项正确。

例:OG –TEST3-2

2. H. Ford Douglas, one of the few Black soldiers in White regiments during the early part of the Civil War, and eventually to recruit and command his own unit

(A)and eventually to recruit and command his own unit

(B)eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

(C)he eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

(0) he eventually had his own unit that he recruited and commanded

(E) having eventually recruited and commanded his own unit

解析:这句话,结构是“主语,同位语,and to do”的形式,而主语是没有谓语的,所以这个句子破碎,纵向比较选项,在划线部分开始的地方需要给主语一个谓语动词,答案就是B,所以正确的结构是:主语,同位语,谓语···”。

例:OG –TEST4-3

3. Pearl Buck, one of the most popular writers of her day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China.

(A)day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

(B)day, winning the Nobel Prize in Literature, which she won in 1938 for her novels about China

(C)day, and she won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

(D)day, won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938 for her novels about China

(E)day, her novels about China bringing her the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1938

解析:句子主语. Pearl Buck,后面逗号逗号间是同位语对主语的修饰,划线部分wining不是谓语,造成句子破碎,所以答案可以选出D,谓语动词won和主语Pearl Buck构成一套主谓结构,句子完整。

例:OG –TEST6-8

8. C.G. Jung, a Swiss psychologist, whose renown as a pioneer in the field of psychoanalysis almost equals that of Sigmund Freud.

(A)C.G Jung, a Swiss psychologist, whose renown as a pioneer

(B)C.G. Jung, who was a Swiss psychologist and whose renown as a pioneer

(C)A Swiss with renown as a psychological pioneer, C.G. Jung

(D)C.G Jung was a Swiss psychologist whose renown as a pioneer

(E)A Swiss, C.G. Jung who was a psychological pioneer and whose renown

解析:这个题目稍难,原句主语C.G. Jung没有谓语,所以是破碎句,B选项仍然是我们常见的错误结构“主语···whose(连接词)从句”导致主语架空; C选项名词短语A Swiss with renown as a psychological pioneer放开头做为主语C.G. Jung的同位语,逗号后面句子完整,但问题是此题还有另外一个考点的结合就是比较结构,标志词equal,equals that of Sigmund Freud 要做到比较对象一致,所以此句比较对象不一致,仍然错误;D选项没有问题,解决了刚才的比较对象不一致问题,用C.G Jung renown和that of Sigmund Freud比;E选项同B。