


SSAT陈述类写作真题:Statement 陈述类

1. Free speech on the Internet should be protected at all costs.

2. We learn more


from mistakes than from our success.

3. Thanks to technological advances, the world is getting smaller every day.

4. Capital punishment serves no purpose and should be ended.

5. Tougher registrations should be imposed on buying handguns.

6. Voting is such an important responsibility that all citizens should be required to vote in every election.

7. We have become too dependent on technology in our lives today.

8. Education means developing the mind, not stuffing the memory.

9. The most important qualities of a hero are bravery, compassion, and selflessness.

10. We can reduce the level of violence in society today by stronger gun control.

11. Sports in a school should be considered as important as academics.

12. Travelling is one way to learn about other cultures.

13. Studying the past is one way to prepare for the future.

14. Pets provide more for owners than owners provide for the animals.

15. Students should wear uniforms to school.

16. Everyone should be computer literate.

17. Every day we have new things to learn.

18. A person is known by his or her friends.

19. If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

20. It is better to study with your eyes than with your ears.

21. Going backwards is the best way for us to move forwards.

22. Where you have been is not as important as where you are going.

23. People talk faster when they don’t know what to say.

24. Common things are more useful than normal education.

25. A person’s greatest limitation is bad attitude.

26. It is easier to succeed by doing less.

27. People rarely stand up for what they believe.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

28. The end justifies the means.

29. It’s not what you do, but how well you do it.
