1.Are you a night owl who has to get up at the crack of dawn for work, leaving you constantly sleep-deprived and stressed?
2.Or a natural lark who works evenings and nights?
3.An out-of-sync body clock can raise your risk of cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, and lead to weight gain, according to new research.
4.Do you always feel tired and unwell?
5.Whether you’re a lark or an owl is known as your chronotype. It’s not known why humans show such a broad variation compared with other species, which share a similar chronotype.
6.The body clock’s most obvious function is to tell you when to get up and when to go to bed.
7.But it also has a role in everything from your metabolism to regulating blood pressure, muscle control and body temperature.
8.This is why an out-of-sync body clock not only makes you feel tired but could make you ill.
9.While there’s nothing you can do to change your genetic chronotype, there are ways to control your lark or owl tendencies, and keep your health on track if your working and social life demand it.
10.‘Bright light is the most powerful way of shifting the body clock,’ says Professor Foster. So, if you’re an owl who has to get up ea
rly, get as much light as possible in the morning.Sleep with your curtains open or blinds up and get up and out for a walk or a run first thing.福斯特教授说,“明亮的光线是调整生物钟最有效的方法。”所以,如果你是一只不得不早起的夜猫子,你可以让房间里早上尽可能的光线充足。睡觉的时候把窗帘打开,把百叶窗升起来。起床后先去散散步,或者跑几圈。
11.‘You could also sit and eat breakfast with a light-therapy lamp on you as this helps to release the waking hormone, cortisol.’
12.‘To give owls the best chance of winding down earlier, they should avoid being too active in the evening and keep lights dim — and don’t turn on a bright bathroom light to brush your teeth just before bed.’
13.‘Larks who need to work late should do the opposite — making their evenings active and stimulating, for instance by going to the gym, and keeping bright lights on.’