美森BEC商务英语活学活用 Sponsorships


、词汇、课文、对话等四方面内容让BEC活学活用起来。 Ⅰ.中心学习:Sponsorships 赞助 Steve: That is the jazziest t-shirt I have ever seen Mike. 史蒂文:这是我所见过的最好的T恤衫,麦克。 Mike: Thanks Steve. It's brand spanking new. 麦克: 谢谢,我还从未穿过它呢。 Steve: Where did you get it? 史蒂文:你从哪儿弄到它的? Mike: Fiona from the marketing department gave it to me yesterday. 麦克: 在商场部作业的菲欧娜昨日刚给我的。 Steve: Why are marketing giving away freebies? 史蒂文:商场部为啥要发放免费赠品呢? Mike: It's part of a new campaign. The company is sponsoring a football team! 史蒂文:这是新的商业促销活动中的一有些。公司正在赞助一支足球队呢! Steve: That is the coolest! Do we get free tickets to the games? 麦克: 这太酷了!咱们能不能拿到免费的球票呢? Mike: There are so many perks from sponsoring a sports team! Sit down and I will tell you all about it. 史蒂文:赞助体育竞赛可是有许多额定补助呢!坐下来,让我给你好好讲讲。 BEC商务英语活学活用图书系列合辑>>> 有关抢手:BEC商务英语英语万能作文职场英语从这儿初步!这儿有最全部的职场干货、英语表达、商业资讯、人际联络内容……选择一门课,翻开你的职场修炼之路吧! Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and posted by a user of NetEase Hao, which is a social media platform and only provides information storage services.