
答:一到十的英语单词:1的英文是 one、2 的英文是two、3 的英文是three、4的英文是 four、5 的英文是five、6 的英文是six、7的英文是 seven、8的英文是 eight、9 的英文是nine、10的英文是 ten。

one 数词指一个,形容词是唯一的

它的例句有:Knit one row, purl one row. 织一趟平针,织一趟反针。

One minus one is zero. 一减一等于零。

它的短语有:one of 其中之一;one day 有一天;no one 没有人;for one 举例说

two 数词两个,形容词两个的

它的例句有:Now let's think about designing the experiment itself. The goal here, there are two goals. Or more than two.


He has two electrons here with the same set of quantum numbers. B but these are two separate hydrogen atoms.因为我写了两个量子数,一样的电子,但这是在两个不同原子中啊。

它的短语有:A Tale of Two Cities 双城记 ; Two Worlds 两个世界 ; 双重世界 ; 情牵两世;Tea for Two 鸳鸯茶;

three 数次三,形容词三个的

它的例句有:When I reflect on the first couple of years of Baidu's operation, I think there are three things that's very critical.当我回想百度最初的那几年,有三件事是非常重要的。

它的短语有:three years 三年;three months 三个月;three times 三次;three dimensional

三维的;the three gorges 三峡


它的例句有:Judith is married with four children.朱迪斯已经结婚,有4个孩子。

Four quarters make a whole. 四个四分之一构成一个整体

它的短语有:four seasons 四季;four hundred 名流;big four 四大银行;四大会计

five 数词五,形容词五个的

它的例句有:Britainwon five gold medals. 英国夺取了五块金牌。

She brought up five children. 她抚育了五个孩子。

它的短语有:five hundred 五百分;five star 五星级的;five dynasties 五代

six 数词六,形容词六个的

它的例句有:Six bottles should be enough. 六瓶应该够了。

It's gone six o'clock already. 过了六点了。

它的短语有:six months 六个月;at six 在六点;six sigma 六标准差;at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟


它的例句有 :Sarah and Ella have been friends for seven years.萨拉和埃拉已经是7年的朋友了。

The performance starts at seven. 演出七点开始。

它的短语有:seven years 七年;seven seas 世界七大洋;group of seven 七大工业国

eight 数词八,形容词八个的

它的例句有 :Achcha! We'll meet at eight.好吧!我们八点钟见。

Wake up! It's eight o'clock. 醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。

的短语有:the eight diagrams 八卦;group of eight 八国集团

nine 数词九,形容词九个的

它的例句有 :We still sighted nine yachts. 我们还是看到了九艘游艇。

Nine cases are still pending. 尚有九宗案件待决。

它的短语有:nine out of ten 百分之九十;nine to five 朝九晚五 ;whole nine yards从头至尾;on cloud nine 非常高兴,九霄云上。


它的例句有 :Ten men compose the committee. 委员会由十人组成。

Tickets cost ten dollars each. 每张票价为十元。

它的短语有:tens of thousands 成千上万;ten thousand 一万;top ten 前十名;ten days 十天


first第一、second 第二、third第三、fourth第四、fifth第五、sixth第六、seventh第七、eighth第八、ninth第九、tenth第十

缩写为:1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th