





A: Hi, Stone. I’d like to introduce my friend, Lisa.嗨,石头,我想介绍一下我的朋友,丽莎。

B: Hi, Lisa. It’s nice meeting you.嗨,丽莎,很高兴认识你。

C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone.我也很高兴认识你,石头。

B: Lisa, you know, I’ve heard a lot about you.丽莎,你知道,我听说过许多关于你的事情。

C:Really? I hope it’s not anything bad about me.真的吗?希望不是关于我的坏事情

B: Not at all. You are very popular. Everything I’ve heard has been good!根本不是。你很受欢迎。我听到的都是关于你的好事情!

A: Hello, let me introduce myself. I’m your new neighbor. My name is Andy.你好。让我自我介绍一下。我是你的新邻居,安迪。

B: Hi, Andy. I’m Judy. It’s nice meeting you.你好,安迪,我叫朱迪,很高兴认识你。

A: Nice meeting you, too.我也很高兴认识你。

B: Come over and visit when you have time.有空过来聊聊天。

A: Thanks for the invitation. I will!谢谢邀请,我会的!


A: Jenny, are you having a good time?詹妮,你在这儿玩得开心吗?

B: Yes, of course. This is a really wonderful party with interesting people and great food.当然开心,这场晚会有美食、佳宾,真是棒极了

A: I’m glad you are enjoying yourself很高兴你在这里玩得开心

B: Thank you for the invitation.感谢你的邀请

A: It’s my pleasure. Can I get you another glass of champagne?这是我的荣幸。再来一杯香槟吗?

B: Yes, I’d love another glass. You’re a wonderful hostess. Thank you for everything.是的,我还想再来一杯。你真是一位出色的女主人。感谢你做的一切

A: It’s my pleasure having you here. 你能来是我的荣幸。

A: Mrs. Lee, I’ve stayed here for almost a week. I really must leave tomorrow.


B: Please feel free to stay as long as you want. You know you’re always welcome here.请随意,想住多久就住多久吧。你总是受欢迎的

A: Thank you. You’ve been so nice to me.谢谢,你对我真好

B: Is there anything else I can do for you before your leave?在你走之前还要我做点什么吗?

A: No, thanks. You’ve done a lot for me already. Thank you for everything.


B: Don’t mention it. I’ve really enjoyed your company.不必客气,有你的陪伴,我也很开心。


A: Tom, I’ve got good news for you.汤姆,我给你带来了好消息。

B: What is it? 什么好消息?

A: Haven’t you heard that your novel has won The Nobel Prize?你难道没有听说你的小说获诺贝尔奖了?

B: Really? I can’t believe it. It’s like a dream come true. I never expected that I would win The Nobel Prize!真的?简直不敢相信。这就像做梦一样。我从没想到会获得诺贝尔奖!

A: You did a good job. I’m extremely proud of you.你干得不错。我真为你感到自豪B: Thanks for the compliment.多谢夸奖

A: You certainly deserve it. Let’s celebrate!你该拿这个奖。我们好好庆祝一下吧!

A: I heard you were promoted to general manager of IBM’s China Headquarters.


B: That’s true. I got the news yesterday.没错,我是昨天才知道的

A: You did a good job for the company. So, this is your first day in the new position. How do you feel?你为公司作出了贡献,那么,今天是你在新职位上的第一天,感觉怎么样?

B: Not bad. I’m confident. And I like challenges.不错,我有信心,而且,我喜欢挑战

A: I believe you are cut out for this position.我相信你能够胜任这份工作

B: Thank you. 谢谢你。