


1.American Literature 美国文学

2.A Death in the Family家中丧事(1957普利策奖)

Story of loss and heartbreak felt when ayoung father dies.

3. Winesburg, Ohio 小镇畸人

A collection of short stories lays bare thelife of a small townin the Midwest.

4. Go Tell It On the Mountain向苍天呼吁

Semi-autobiographical novel about a14-year-old black youth'sreligious conversion.

5.Looking Backward: 2000-1887回顾2000-1887

Written in 1887 about a young man whotravels in time to autopian year 2000, where economic security and a healthymoral environment havereduced crime.

6. Seize the Day只争朝夕

A son grapples with his love and hate foran unworthy father.

7. ahrenheit 451华氏四百五十一度

Reading is a crime and firemen burn booksin this futuristicsociety.

8. My Antonia我的安东妮亚

Immigrant pioneers strive to adapt to theNebraska prairies.

9. The Awakening 觉醒

The story of a New Orleans woman whoabandons her husband andchildren to search for love and self-understanding.

10. The Ox-Bow Incident黄牛惨案

When a group of citizens discovers one oftheir members has beenmurdered by cattle rustlers, they form an illegal posse,pursue the murderers,and lynch them.

11. he Chocolate War巧克力战争

Jerry Renault challenges the powerstructure of his school whenhe refuses to sell chocolates for the annualfundraiser.

12. The Red Badge of Courage 红色英勇勋章

During the Civil War, Henry Fleming joinsthe army full ofromantic visions of battle which are shattered by combat.

13. A Yellow Raft in Blue Water

Three generations of Native American womenrecount their searchesfo


r identity and love.

14. Invisible Man 隐形人

A black man's search for himself as aninpidual and as a memberof his race and his society.

15. As I Lay Dying 在我弥留之际

The Bundren family takes the ripeningcorpse of Addie, wife andmother, on a gruesomely comic journey.

16. The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比

A young man corrupts himself and theAmerican Dream to regain alost love.

17. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman简•皮特曼小姐自传

In her 100 years, Miss Jane Pittmanexperiences it all, fromslavery to the civil rights movement.