


英音 [ɪkˈspres] 美音 [ɪkˈsprɛs]


vt. 表达;快递;

adj. 明确的;迅速的;专门的;

n. 快车;快车;专使;捷运公司;

adv. 乘快车;用快递方式;

【英文释义】 Noun: mail that is distributed by a rapid and efficient system

public transport consisting of a fast train or bus that makes only a few scheduled stops;

"he caught the express to New York"

rapid transport of goods

Adjective: not tacit or implied;

"her express wish"

without unnecessary stops;

"an express train" "an express shipment"

Adverb: by express;

"please send the letter express"

Verb: give expression to;

"She showed her disappointment"

articulate; either verbally or with a cry, shout, or noise;

"She expressed her anger" "He uttered a curse"

serve as a means for expressing something;

"The painting of Mary carries motherly love" "His voice carried a lot of anger"

indicate through a symbol, formula, etc.;

"Can you express this distance in kilometers?"

manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait);

"Many of the laboratory animals express the trait"

obtain from a substance, as by mechanical action;

"Italians express coffee rather than filter it"

send by rapid transport or special messenger service;

"She expressed the letter to Florida"

【express相关词】 expression n. 表现,表示,表达;表情,脸色,态度,腔调,声调;[数]式,符号;词句,语句,措辞,说法;expressionism n. 表现主义;expressionless adj. 无表情的;expressive adj. 表示的,有表现力的,表达的;意味深长的;富于表情的;传神;expressivity n. 善于表达,表达性;示性;expressly adv. 明显地;明确地;特别地;特意地;expresso n. (蒸汽加压煮出的)浓咖啡;expressway n. 高速公路;

【express相关词条】 express goods 快运货物;express lift 直达电梯;parcel express 转运公司;express trust 书面信托;express rifle 大初速步枪;express class 速成班;express letter n. 快信;express as 把…表示为;air-express v. 空运,空中快递;express laboratory 快速化验室;express boiler 快升温锅炉;express car (美铁路)快递车;express republicntion [法] 明示重新公布;express coach 特快车;express method 快速法;express locomotive 高速机车;express consent 明示同意;express consignment 快件货物;快运货;express guaranteeship 明示担保;express logic 直快逻辑;Nippon Express 日本通运公司总部所在地:日本主要业务:邮递运输;