


英音 [pɪk] 美音 [pɪk]


vt.& vi. 挑选,挑拣;挖,采,摘,剔,扒;挑剔;

n. 选择;收获;精华;

【英文释义】 Noun: the person or thing chosen or selected;

"he was my pick for mayor"

the quantity of a crop that is harvested;

"he sent the first picking of berries to the market" "it was the biggest peach pick in years"

the best people or things in a group;

"the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War"

the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving

a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument

a thin sharp implement used for removing unwanted material;

"he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks"

a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends;

"they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"

a basketball maneuver; obstructing an opponent with one's body;

"he was called for setting an illegal pick"

the act of choosing or selecting;

"your choice of colors was unfortunate" "you can take your pick"

Verb: select carefully from a group;

"She finally picked her successor" "He picked his way carefully"

look for and gather;

"pick mushrooms" "pick flowers"

harass with constant criticism;

"Don't always pick on your little brother"


"pick a fight or a quarrel"

remove in small bits;

"pick meat from a bone"

remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits;

"Clean the turkey"

pilfer or rob;

"pick pockets"

pay for something;

"pick up the tab" "pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages" "foot the bill"

pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion;

"he plucked the strings of his mandolin"

attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground, for example;

"Pick open the ice"

hit lightly with a picking motion

eat intermittently; take small bites of;

"He pieced at the sandwich all morning" "She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"

【pick相关词】 handpick vt. 用手采摘;仔细挑选;精选;亲自挑选;nitpick vt. 挑刺儿,找茬,挑毛病;找岔子;百般挑剔;求全责备;pickaninny n. 黑人小孩,澳大利亚土著小孩;pickax n. 镐;鹤嘴锄; vi. 使用鹤嘴锄; vt. 以鹤嘴锄挖之;picked adj. 精选的,摘下的; v. 采( pick的过去式和过去分词 );摘;啄;叼;pickerel n. 小梭鱼,梭鱼子;pickerelweed n. (美国沼地产的)一种多年生植物;picket n. 罢工纠察员;警戒队;[建]尖木桩;[军]步哨,哨兵; vt. 用尖桩围住;派…担任纠察;用警戒哨保卫;(把马等)系在桩上; vi. 担任纠察;picking v. 采摘;采( pick的现在分词 );摘;啄;叼; n. 采摘;掘,撬开;采得物,赃物;pickle vt. 腌渍(泡菜等); n. 腌菜,泡菜;腌制食品;遇到麻烦,处于困境;pickled adj. 烂醉如泥的;盐渍的;腌制的; v. 腌,( pickle的过去式和过去分词);pickleworm n. 泡菜虫;picklock n. 撬锁工具,撬锁者;优级羊毛;肩部毛;pickoff n. 以牵制球使出局;pickpocket n. 扒手;pickproof adj. 防撬窃的;pickup n. 收集;搭车(者);唱机唱头;小卡车; adj. 临时凑成的,偶然认识的;picky adj. 吹毛求疵的,好挑剔的,过分讲究的;spick n. 井井有条;toothpick n. 牙签;unpick vt. 拆开,拆散;

【pick相关词条】 pick apart 把…撕成碎片,拆散;对…吹毛求疵;pick box 截齿座;ice-pick n. (餐桌上用的)碎冰锥;pick breaker 锤式破碎机,齿式破碎机;pick felt 领纸毛毯,引纸毛毯;pick-up n. 提取;搭便车;to pick 采摘;wet pick 润湿粘附性能;pick at 扯;找茬儿; 批评;少量地吃;pick out 挑选;取出;了解;衬托;pick resistance 抗黏性能;pick and pick 顺序投梭;dental pick [医]锐口牙刮匙;Pick's bodies 皮克小体;navvy pick 挖土镐;pick counter 织机产量表,织物分析镜;pick's disease 皮克氏病,心包性假性肝硬变;缩窄性心包炎;fibre pick 纤维起毛;pick case [医]选物箱,分捡箱(有很多小格子的);coal pick 刨煤镐,采煤镐;apical pick [医] 根尖签;miners pick 风镐;