

答案是:Add oil

但我没有开玩笑哦,add oil真的是加油的意思。

因为就在不久前,世界上最声威的《牛津英语字典》(Oxford English Dictionary,简称OED)发布了一批新词新义,其间就有“add oil”...

而如今跟着互联网年代的到来,以及我国人英语水平的不断前进,网友们逐渐可以熟练地将英语融入到各种新鲜的中文场合中,创造出一个又一个新鲜的词汇和短语,尽管没有悉数被国外认可,可是也都作为俚语被写进了《城市词典》(Urban Dictionary)...


I give you face?heart flower angry openWhere cold where stay.you ask me,me ask who?I ball ball youHow are you!How old are you!You are here don’t move, I go buy some oranges for youIf you no three no four, l will give you some color to see seeSee my face color do thingDragon born dragon, Phoenix born Phoenix,mouse's son can hit holeKnow is know,no know is no know,is know!Please have some B number in your heart!You see see you,only you have mouth,ba ba for one day!Old irons!Double click,six six six!
