






今年的术语翻译基本上延续了往年的传统,既有历年真题(unicef,文化事业单位),也有往年真题的同类术语(如去年的rheumatoid arthritis→今年的dermatosis),还有重点领域的核心术语(商务信函缩写awlo,高新技术vr,传统哲学思想“和为贵”,时下流行语“接地气”和当前国家政策“反恐维稳”)等等,晚咱们讲课的时候一个一个仔细分析分析。





1. v.r.

2. awlo

3. unicef

4. bce

5. swot

6. pickup

7. decibel

8. dermatosis

9. vital capacity

10. alternating current

11. cash cow

12. ballpark figure

13. due diligence

14. hydro power

15. compliance officer



1. 民心

2. 水墨画

3. 华侨

4. 和为贵

5. 接地气

6. 道济天下

7. 经世致用

8. 化戈为武

9. 反恐维稳

10. 南南合作

11. 文化事业单位

12. 司法行政机关

13. 新兴市场国家

14. 传承红色基因

15. 习近平外交思想





英汉部分的出题是相当精彩的,因为这篇文章完美结合了新闻时事(看大家有没有关心天下大事)、气候变化(对于传统经典话题的熟悉程度)和经济金融(最近两年出题热点领域中的术语)这三大板块,文章选自货币基金组织2021年11月发布的《全球金融稳定报告》(covid-19, crypto and climate: navigating challenging transitions),可以说考查了同学们的综合英汉翻译能力,而400字的篇幅也完全符合考场的需求!




as the world continues to navigate the exit from the global pandemic, an accelerating trend of digitalization and the existential threat from climate change pose both opportunities and challenges ahead. these 3cs, covid-19, crypto, and climate, offer opportunities for sustaining the ongoing recovery; facilitating more efficient, accessible, and inclusive financial service provision; and greening the economy. but they also require a global concerted effort to counter risks and vulnerabilities, which if left unchecked, could put growth at risk in the medium term or test the resilience of the global financial system.(同时,这也意味着我们必须进行全球性的合作,应对各类,处理薄弱环节。如果我们任其发展下去,这些问题将会在中期令发展受阻,考验着全球金融系统的风险抵御能力。)[指代关系,插入语+条件句,抽象名词的处理,限制性定语从句,并列结构]


financial stability risks have been contained so far thanks to ongoing policy support that has fueled the global rebound. (持续不断的政策支持助力着全球经济的触底反弹,同时也遏制了金融领域的不稳定因素。)[时间关系,并列结构,动词时态,词类活用,抽象名词的处理] investors, however, have become increasingly concerned about the economic outlook amid rising virus infections and greater uncertainty about the strength of the recovery. after declining notably through the summer, global long-term yields have risen in late september, in some countries entirely reversing their earlier moves, on concerns that price pressures may be more persistent than initially anticipated.


monetary and fiscal policy support continues to be essential in much of the world. central banks should provide clear guidance about the future stance of monetary policy to avoid an unwarranted tightening of financial conditions and minimize the

risk of market volatility. monetary authorities should remain vigilant and, if price pressures turn out to be more persistent than anticipated, act swiftly to counter any possible unmooring of inflation expectations.


crypto asset markets are growing rapidly. crypto asset prices remain highly volatile. furthermore, the volume of crypto asset transactions has reached macro critical levels in some emerging markets, often as high as those of domestic equities. 此外,加密资产的交易总量在部分新兴市场已经达到了惊人的水平,往往追平国内股票交易的规模)[经济术语,分句结构,抽象名词做主语,省略成分] a sound regulatory framework for crypto assets, and decentralized finance markets more generally, must be a priority on the global policy agenda. this is particularly pressing for stable coins, for which some business models have been subject to the risk of sudden and severe liquidity pressures. a regulatory

level playing field is a key priority.


the forthcoming 26th united nations climate change conference of the parties (cop26) presents a pivotal opportunity to speed up the transition and much-needed global climate actions to avoid catastrophic climate change. (第26次联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议即将到来,想要加速转型,实施紧迫行动,避免气候灾难,这将是绝佳的时机!)[外交事件,介词短语,分词做修饰,排比句式] achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 requires substantial additional global investment by both the public and private sectors. the global financial sector can play a crucial role in catalyzing private finance and accelerating the transition.






当时刚考试结束,听到许多同学“汉英翻译难”,其实我知道是大家谦虚啦,当拿到汇总好的试题回忆后,我不由觉得:给你们反复强调《文化读本》的重要性真的是太有必要太有效果了!这次北外虽然选取了“考古学”archaeology这个话题,但始终没有脱离“具体的中国社会事物与抽象的中国传统文化”这个大方向,平时认真看《insights into chinese culture》的同学一定会觉得许多内容都很熟悉,我们来看看其中一些句子,已经帮大家大致翻译好了,后面方括号是考点:


1. 考古学的研究对象是古代人类通过各种活动遗留下来的实物资料,即物质的遗存,也就是古代的遗迹和遗物。这也是考古学与文献史学的根本区别,尽管考古学研究离不开与历史文献相结合。archaeology puts its focus on the tangible materials that have been left through all kinds of activities by the ancient people or, say, physical things like ancient relics and remains. besides, this marks the key difference between archaeology and philology that focuses on historical documents, although the former cannot thrive without being combined with the latter.[超长判断句,近义词的积累,抽象名词的处理,转折逻辑,并列关系]


2. 考古学的两个主要研究方法:田野调查和挖掘以及考古发现的定义:通过科学的田野调查和挖掘进行勘探,发掘,记录和收集的过程以及获得的文献资料和信息。


3. 考古学诞生于对埃及和意大利等遗址遗迹的考古研究,19世纪末20世纪初,诞生于西方的考古学迅速传播到中国,20世纪20年代诞生了以田野调查为基础的近代考古学。archaeology originated from the historical studies on ancient egyptian and italian relics and remains. around the turn between the 19th century and the 20th century, shortly after being established in the west, archaeology was quickly introduced into china. in the 1920s, china developed its own modern archaeology on the basis of field research. [年份的表述,时间的递进,空间的移动,抽象名词的处理]


4. 新中国成立后,田野考古调查和发掘工作在全国范围内广泛开展,20世纪50年代至70年代中叶,以黄河流域为重点的考古……,边远地区的考古发现也取得了重大的成果。


5. 随着改革开放和科学研究进入发展的春天,考古学也进入了一个新的发展阶段,许多考古发现改变了人们长久以来的认识…


6. 许多考古重大课题在全国范围内开展……


7. 数以千万计的考古发现不仅对中国历史研究的意义重大,而且对世界文明历史做出了重要的贡献。(tens of thousands of archeological discoveries not only mean a great deal for the research on china’s own history, but also contributes a lot to the history of global civilizations.)[数字翻译,并列与递进结构,动宾关系]



