【高清低幼绘本】Ah ha 超级好笑一个词的绘本 !【巧爸乐爸高清绘本】

Frog is settling in for a relaxing day at the pond. (AAHH.)
But wait—there are other creatures at the pond as well. (AH HA!)
And some of them are out to get Frog. (AHHH!)
Not to worry, Frog gets the last laugh. (HA HA!)
Using only two letters, along with many brightly colored and lively illustrations, Jeff Mack brings his hallmark humor to this rollicking book that will leave young readers guessing, laughing, and on the edge of their seats.

★当下全球最炙手可热的绘本大师、小比尔·马丁图书奖得主杰夫·麦克经典之作。全书仅用一个最简单的词语“AH HA!”,便巧妙串联起了整个如过山车般流畅、跌宕起伏而又妙趣横生的故事,让成年人也忍不住为之惊叹叫绝,更让孩子们在阅读中充满欢乐的互动,以及留下小小的哲理思考。
出版商: Chronicle Books LLC
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