儿童英文原版彩色绘本 100多本 自收藏

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The golden Mare, the Firebird, and the Magic Ring once upon a time , ina place x where magical beasts still roamed the eartha young man named Alexi loft home to seek his fortune and perhaps to find an adventure or twe as wo well Alexi was an adventure exe excellent hunisman but after traveling for a week he had found neither work nor adventure One evening as night desx descended and the moon arose he made camp at the edge of a glade
A noise of hoofbeats in the forest startled AlexiThinking it a hetd of deer or some ether game h the lad readied gis bow Yet the young hunter did not loose his arrow for the beast that appeared in the clearing was too wondrous te to shoot It was a golden mare with a srlvery whiy wht white mane that steamed around her and sparkled in the moonlight The Golden Mare stood and gazed at the htntsnan who pointed an arrow at her heart Hod Hold fair sir do not shoot said the mare to the astonishment of the lad Alexi loxered his bow and slowly approached the t remarkable mare L am at your service for sparing my life she said What is your desire

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