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"The Light Within Me" is an inspirational book that empowers children to find the light within themselves and use that light to make a positive change in this world. Through kindness and acceptance, we can make this world a more peaceful place. We all have that special power within and it is up to us to use it for the good.-------------
美國著名HOMESCHOOL"The Good and Beautiful " 的科普-海洋學書(K-8可用) https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160777-1-1.html
《獨家》英語繪本deep in the dessert (6-8歲)連英語有聲音+教育視頻影片+歌曲https://www.lxwc.com.cn/post-160822-1-1.html
美國 Macro Polo WorldSchool 英語科普練習題( 9月/10月份共 55頁)3至6歲合用阿:)