朗姆达文学奖入围作品:儿童性教育绘本What makes a baby? 《宝宝从哪儿来?》

What makes a baby是一本32页彩图儿童性教育用书。
它由性教育学者/作家 Cory Silverberg 编写,加拿大著名插画家 Fiona Smyth绘制,用简单易懂的英语向好奇的孩子们解释了“宝宝从哪儿来?”。本书入围 朗姆达文学奖(Lambda Literary Award,又名Lammys),它是由美国朗姆达文学基金会颁发的一项面向LGBT主题作品的奖项,设立于1989年。

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2019-11-14 09:55 上传

以下是相关介绍:Finalist for the 2014 Lambda Award for LGBT Children's/Young Adult
"What Makes a Baby is extraordinaryCory is a Dr. Spock for the 21st century."--Susie Bright
"A Truly Inclusive Way to Answer the Question 'Where Do Babies Come From?': The new book What Makes a Baby offers an origin story for all children, no matter what their families look like." --The Atlantic
"This is a solid, occasionally quirky book on an important topic."--School Library Journal
Geared to readers from preschool to age eight, What Makes a Baby is a book for every kind of family and every kind of kid. It is a twenty-first century children's picture book about conception, gestation, and birth, which reflects the reality of our modern time by being inclusive of all kinds of kids, adults, and families, regardless of how many people were involved, their orientation, gender and other identity, or family composition. Just as important, the story doesn't gender people or body parts, so most parents and families will find that it leaves room for them to educate their child without having to erase their own experience.
Written by sexuality educator Cory Silverberg, and illustrated by award-winning Canadian artist Fiona Smyth, What Makes a Baby is as fun to look at as it is useful to read.
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