八个英语( 关于幼儿生活、家庭、学校、未来职责)小故事


故事一Cricket Goes to School (Scenes 1 and 2)
Narrator: This is Cricket. Hi, Cricket. Are you happy?
Cricket: No, I’m sad.
Narrator: Oh, no!
Narrator: This is the teacher.
Miss Lucy: Hello! I’m your teacher. What’s your name?
Cricket: I’m Cricket.
Miss Lucy: I’m Miss Lucy. How are you?
Cricket: I’m sad.
Miss Lucy: Oh, no!
Cricket Goes to School (Scenes 3 and 4)
Narrator: This is Sandy. She’s a girl.
Sandy: Hi! What’s your name?
Cricket: I’m Cricket. I’m a boy.
Sandy: Hello, Cricket! Look! This is a crayon. It’s for coloring, red, yellow and blue. Look! A triangle, a circle and a square. Let’s share!
Narrator: Look at Cricket. Is he happy or sad? Hi, Cricket! Are you sad?
Cricket: No, I’m happy. Look! A triangle, a circle, a square, red, yellow, blue. This is my friend, Sandy. This is my friend, Ben. This is Miss Lucy. She’s the teacher. I’m happy. Bye!
Narrator: They’re friends. Cricket is happy.

故事二Mrs. Thrift and the Crows (Scenes 1 and 2)
Narrator: Mrs. Thrift is sad. Look at her face. Look at her tears. Can she cry? Yes, she can. Can she shake her arms? Yes!Can she shake her hands? Yes!But… Oh, no! The crows won’t go.Ah huh! Mrs. Thrift has an idea…This is a head. These are two shoulders.These are two arms. These are two hands.These are two legs. These are two knees.These are two feet. Ta da! A scarecrow!But… Oh no! The crows won’t go.

Mrs. Thrift and the Crows (Scenes 3 and 4)
Narrator: Ah huh! Mrs. Thrift has an idea… These are two eyes. These are two ears. This is a nose. This is a mouth. It’s a face!The scarecrow is happy. He can smile.But… Oh, no! The crows won’t go.Hmmm… Big black eyes, a big greennose, a big red mouth, and big browneyebrows. The scarecrow is angry. He canfrown. Ta da! The crows now go!

故事三What is Good Food? (Scenes 1 and 2)
Girl: What is good food?
Boy: Watermelon and peas are good food.Watermelon is round. Peas are round, too.Ah huh! Round food is good for me!
Girl: Candy is round. Candy isn’t goodfor you.
Girl: What is good food?
Boy: Look! There are green peas and agreen apple on a plate. Green food isgood for me!
Girl: Candy is green. Candy isn’t good or you.

What is Good Food? (Scenes 3 and 4)
Boy: There is apple juice. There is orange juice. There is carrot juice. Juice is good for me!
Girl: Yes!
Boy: There is milk in this glass. Milk is froma cow. Oranges are from a tree. Naturalfood is good for me!
Girl: Yes, natural food is good. It’s healthy!

故事四A Family is People and Pets (Scenes 1 and 2)
My family is people and pets. Mom, Dad, and sister, Lu. These are our animals.I can introduce them to you. This is my mom. My mom has a cat. My mom has a cat she loves.
She gives it food. She gives it a brush. It’s part of our family now. This is my dad. My dad has two dogs. My dad has two dogs he loves. He gives them hugs; He gives them pats.
They are part of our family, too.

A Family is People and Pets (Scenes 3 and 4)
This is my sister. She has three parrots. She has three parrots she loves. She gives them water. She sings them a song. They are part of our family now. I am her brother. I have four rabbits. I have four rabbits I love.I give them food. I give them a house.They are part of our family, too.This is my family, the people and pets.But, wait! There are some more I want to show. Look! A family of rabbits, brand new.

故事五The Seesaw (Scenes 1 and 2)
Narrator: Kim the cat and Ronnie therabbit are playing in the playground.They’re happy. What’s Kim doing? She’s climbing up theladder, up, up, up. What’s Ronnie doing?
He’s sliding down the slide, down, down, down.Ali and Trixie are playing on the seesaw.It won’t move. Ali is up and Trixie is down. Ali is scared. Trixie is sad.

The Seesaw (Scenes 3 and 4)
Narrator: “Wait!” says Kim, “I can help. I can climb up.”1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! It still won’t move!“Wait!” says Ronnie, “I can help. I canclimb up.” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6! Yay!
Ronnie, Kim, Ali and Trixie are playing onthe seesaw, up, down, up, down. Ali is notscared. Trixie is not sad. They are happy.

故事六Chester and Buster (Scenes 1 and 2)
Boy: These are two of my pets, Chester andBuster. Chester is a spider. Buster is a dog.Buster sits and rolls and nods his head.Chester spins a web.Buster runs and catches a ball. Buster jumpsand hides in the shed. Chester spins a web.

Chester and Buster (Scenes 3 and 4)
Boy: Buster eats dog food and climbs upon the bed. Chester spins a web.Buster barks, “Woof, woof!” and sleepswith a smile. Chester fi nishes the web,waits… and eats a fly.

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