DK 2020 新书 鱼 Fish

通过这个迷人的故事,孩子们将意识到垃圾污染海洋的问题日益严重。 Fish用简单有趣的插图叙述突出了这些问题,并提出了回收利用的解决方案。

Finn想要做的只是在晚餐时钓上一条好吃的好鱼,但是无论他多么努力地努力,似乎在钓鱼线尽头所抓到的都是别人的垃圾。 他在海洋上停留的时间越长,他收集的疯狂物品越多! 芬兰人(Finn)和他的狗(Skip)每天都坐满船,但空荡荡的小动物回家。

不久之后,芬(Finn)便找到了一种方法来重用和回收他所收集的一切。 很快他就赚到了足够的钱来每天做一顿美味的晚餐,在他的照顾下,海洋变得干净,明亮,又充满了鱼!

Through this charming story children will become aware of the growing problem of trash polluting the ocean. Fish highlights the issues with a simple and engaging illustrated narrative, and also suggests a solution in the form of recycling.

All Finn wants is to catch a nice, tasty fish for his dinner, but no matter how hard he tries all he seems to catch at the end of his fishing line is other people's trash. The longer he spends out on the ocean, the more crazy objects he collects! Finn and his dog Skip go home each day with a full boat, but empty tummies.

It isn't long before Finn finds a way to reuse and recycle everything he has collected. Pretty soon he makes enough money to make a tasty dinner every day, and under his care the ocean becomes clean, bright, and full of fish again!

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2020-10-14 12:39 上传

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2020-10-14 12:39 上传

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