
Finish Your Sandwich
Come on,dear
Finish your sandwich.
Ijust don't feel hungry today.
I understand,dear. But you're a growing boy.Your body needs
lots of energy.
I know…
You have to finish your lunch if you want to go play at your fiend's house.
0h,all right.
What FIy?
Great!I love pizza!
Why? What's wrong?
Don't you see that fly?
What fly?
The one on your pizza.
Hey,fly! Go away!
I Can SmelI the Barbecue
I can smell the barbecLle
from way over here.
Easy,kids.Please don't fight.
There's enough for all
Here,son.Try this.
It'smy favorite.
Oh!My!It's too hot.
Why Don’t You Try Some Squid?
Sam,that's very impolite
Please apologize.
Why don't you try some squid?
It's quite tasty.
Just try a small bite.
OK.Remember,if you don't eat your dinner,you may not have any snacks tonight.
Betting Is Never a Good Idea
Hey!I'll bet you $10 that I can finish this bowl of noodles before you can finish yours.
Boy!I'm stuffed.I can't eat another bite.
Me either.I feel like I'm gonna explode.
Oh,I'm sorry you two feel so bad.Remember,betting is
never a good idea.
We'd Better Get Some Orange Soda
Now let me see.
Did Mom say to get a drink?
Yes,we do need something good
to drink.We'd better get some orange soda.
But I like Coke.
OK,we can get one of each.
Medium Slices WilI Be Fine
I need a pound of pork for
our hot pot,please.
A11 righty.
How would you like it sliced?
Get it extra thin,Mom!
No,not today,dear.
I think medium slices will be fine.
Do You Have Bean Sprouts?
Excuse me,sir.What aisle is the canned chicken broth on?
Oh,yes.It's on aisle two,
right near the dairy.
Thank you so much.
Oh,do you have bean sprouts?
Yes,they're right down there
in the produce section.
Thank you again.

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