初学自然拼读最值得推荐的的60本绘本!Early reading Phonics

Early Reader ——桥梁阅读书是指介于图画书和纯文字书之间的一种图书类型。优秀的桥梁书的每个故事或童话在用字遣词上都有周全的考虑;它的主题接近儿童的生活经验,采取幽默有趣的童话故事形式,帮助孩子从喜欢阅读开始,渐渐适应字数增多、篇幅加长的文字书,最后由“亲子共读”转入“独立阅读”。

这是Early-reading的60本decodable books,是对应Phonics自然拼读教材中所教的Phonics拼读规律来编写的训练孩子拼读能力的简易读物。这套decodable books是黑白的,非常适合打印出来和孩子一起读。

Early-reading的60本decodable books分成三个section,每个section里面有20本书,目录如下:

第一部分20册Cat On the Mat
Dan and a Van
The Lad
Dan and his Cap
The Pet in a Jet
The Hen in a Pen
Pip the Pup
The Kid and a Pig
The Tin Bin
The Dog in the Well
Will is Ill
Pop and his Pot
Hog and the Dog
A Bug in the Mud
Pets are Fun
Jay can Play
Dan and the Bee
The Fox in the Box
Joe had to Mow
Tom Sows his Seeds

I Want a Pie
Pa and his Car
Ma Darns her Sock
The Fly and the Bee
Make a Mud Cake
On my Roof
We all Play Ball
A Fish to Cook
The Song
I Want a Wand
My Sister
A Pup in the Straw
I Saw a Witch
The Funny Farm
A Mole in the Hole
A Piglet in my Pocket
Bet and her Kitten
I Saw Two Mice
The Clown
From My Cupboard

The Pirates
A Ride on a Steam Train
Fly My Kite
I Knew a Boy
We Went to the River
The Train on the Plain
Harrison's Goal
A Dance in France
The Goat and the Toad
The Roar of the Boar
My New Hammer
A Christmas Wish
At the Beach
My Chicken Pox
We Went for a Sail
My Baby Bird
Off to Camp
Our Secret Cave
A Day at the Zoo
The Castle

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