Read With Me陪我一块儿读小达人点读笔点读包_小达人点读包英语启蒙早教绘本音视频下载资源亲子网站

Read with me 是基于畅销进阶读物Key words系列的另外一套进阶读物,300个key words覆盖英语常用单词的四分之三。

从掌握这300个key words起步,是学习英语最快捷、最有效的方法。让孩子通过不断重复简单的语句,在重复中理解、内化,同时学会英语中最常用的单词,稳步前进,逐级而上,给予孩子学习英语的成就感,快速提升孩子的学习兴趣和自信,为孩子后续的英语学习打下良好的基础。

★ 著名出版社LadyBird 出版,系统严谨!!

★一套专为培养基础字汇能力所编写的读本。书中所选用的字汇为初学者必识的300字,外加500个词汇。(key words一共介绍了2000个关键词字)

★透过有趣的人物主角故事(Kate, Tom和一只名叫Sam的狗),引导学生从重复的句子中熟练字汇。

★有一本First Words-A Pre-reader,可做为进入阅读前的暖身活动。

There is no one method or technique that is the ONLY way to learn to read. Children learn in

a variety of ways. Read with me is an enjoyable and uncomplicated scheme that will give your child reading confidence. Through exciting stories about Kate, Tom and Sam the dog, Read with me:* teaches the first 300 key words (75% of our everyday language) plus 500 additional words* stimulates a child's language and imagination through humorous, full color illustration* introduces situations and events children can relate to* encourages and develops conversation and observational skills* support material includes Practice and Play Books, Flash Cards, Book and Cassette PacksAlways praise and encourage as you go along. Keep your reading sessions short and stop immediately if your child loses interest.

Ladybird Books is a London-based publishing company, trading as a stand-alone imprint within the Penguin Group of companies. The Ladybird imprint publishes mass-market children's books.

此套装不包含:Read With Me ladybird Let's Play跟我读1:一起玩耍 少儿图书


0.Read With Me key words reading scheme

1.Read With Me First Words- -A Pre-Reader

2.Read with Me The Dragon Den

3.Read with Me The Space Boat

4.Read With Me Sam to the Rescue

5.Read With Me Kate and the Crocodile

6.Read with Me The Dream

7.Read with Me The Day Trip

8.Read with Me Tom's Storybook

9.Read With Me Magic Music

10.Read With Me The Big Secret

11.Read with Me The Fierce Giant

12.Read With Me Lost in Piper's Park

13.Read with Me The Dolphin Chase

14.Read with Me The Robbery

15. Read with me a busy night

16. Read with me the sports day

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