廖彩杏从爷爷那儿回家the journey home from grandpa's点读包_小达人点读包英语启蒙早教绘本音视频下载资源亲子网站

这是一本充满童趣的绘本,绘本中的小清新,是由一组一组的色块拼接而成的,画面感非常强。绘本讲述了一家四口人坐着亮眼黄色小轿车,从爷爷家回到自己家中一路的所见所闻,他们经历了崎岖不平道路的颠簸,看到了白色的直升机,紫色的火车,棕色的拖拉机…这位内心非常有爱的作者把孩子们天真无邪的世界描绘的淋漓尽致。作者Jemima Lumley,英国的一位女设计师以及绘本作家,这是她第一本儿童童书作品。根据她两个孩子从外公家回来的灵感编写。绘本的插画家Sopie Fatus,曾经为很多旋律优美的绘本插画。她的创作风格识别度也比较高。来吧,让我们搭着这辆黄色的小轿车看看前方到底会有哪些惊喜在等待我们呢。3、绘本视频4、学绘本歌唱版音频,其他音频版本可在小程序收听哦。【第1页】The yellow car drives down the bouncy, bumpy road,黄色的小汽车沿着崎岖颠簸的山路开过来,The bouncy, bumpy road, the bouncy, bumpy road.颠簸的山路,颠簸的山路;The yellow car drives down the bouncy, bumpy road, on the journey home from Grandpa's.黄色的小汽车正从爷爷家回来的路上,沿着崎岖的山路颠簸而下。【第2页】The white helicopter whizzes up and down and round,白色的直升飞机在空中上下盘旋,Up and down and round, up and down and round,上下盘旋,上下盘旋;The white helicopter whizzes up and down and round, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回家的旅程,白色的直升飞机在空中上下盘旋。【第3页】The purple train speeds along the shiny railway track,紫色的火车沿着闪亮的铁轨奔驰而过,The shiny railway track, the shiny railway track,闪亮的铁轨,闪亮的铁轨。The purple train speeds along the shiny railway track, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一辆紫色的火车沿着闪亮的铁轨奔驰而过。【第4页】The pink tractor bumps across the brown and muddy field,粉色的拖拉机在一片棕色的泥地里穿行而过,The brown and muddy field, the brown and muddy field,棕色的泥地,棕色的泥地;The pink tractor bumps across the brown and muddy field, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一辆粉色的拖拉机在一片棕色的泥地里穿行而过。【第5页】The green digger scoops up the icky sticky sand,绿色的挖掘机舀起黏黏的沙土,The icky sticky sand, the icky sticky sand,黏黏的沙土,黏黏的沙土;The green digger scoops up the icky sticky sand, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一架绿色的挖掘机舀起黏黏的沙土。【第6页】The black crane lifts up the heavy pile of bricks,黑色的起重机吊起一堆很重的砖头,The heavy pile of bricks, the heavy pile of bricks,很重的砖头,很重的砖头;The black crane lifts up the heavy pile of bricks, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一架黑色的起重机吊起一堆很重的砖头。【第7页】The blue barge floats along the cool and still canal,蓝色的驳船漂浮在冰冷而沉静的运河上,The cool and still canal, the cool and still canal,冰冷而沉静的运河,冰冷而沉静的运河;The blue barge floats along the cool and still canal, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一艘蓝色的驳船漂浮在冰冷而沉静的运河上【第8页】The orange truck hurries to the toyshop in the town,橘色的卡车正赶往城里的玩具店,The toyshop in the town, the toyshop in the town,城里的玩具店,城里的玩具店;The orange truck hurries to the toyshop in the town, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一辆橘色的卡车正赶往城里的玩具店。【第9页】The red fire engine rushes very quic
kly past,红色的消防车飞快地呼啸而过,Very quickly past, very quickly past,呼啸而过,呼啸而过;The red fire engine rushes very quickly past, on the journey home from Grandpa's.从爷爷家回来的路上,一辆红色的消防车飞快地呼啸而过。【第10页】The yellow car stops at the front door of my house,黄色的小汽车在我家前门停下,The front door of my house, the front door of my house.在我家前门停下,在我家前门停下;The yellow car stops at the front door of my house,黄色的小汽车在我家前门停下;We've come home again from Grandpa's.我们从爷爷家回来了!【第11页】5、总结这本绘本的整体的感觉很轻快,读后非常的愉悦。而且颜色清新亮丽,可以很好地刺激宝宝的视觉神经发展呢。另外这本绘本可读,可唱,可听,可看。全方位调动娃的积极性,激发潜能,还可以让宝宝对海 陆 空 这些交通工具及颜色有初步的认知哦。
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