帕丁顿精选集英文CD帕丁顿熊故事音频The Best of Paddington


帕丁顿精选集英文CD帕丁顿熊故事音频The Best of Paddington

这个故事集的音频是Stephen Fry念的,很好听

帕丁顿(Darkest Peru)备受喜爱的经典熊,回到了讲故事的大师迈克尔·邦德(Michael Bond)的这些奇妙有趣的故事中! 在这三个经典故事中欣赏帕丁顿,包括“熊叫帕丁顿”,“关于帕丁顿的更多信息”和“这里与现在”。 斯蒂芬·弗莱(Stephen Fry)读的这些经典儿童故事讲述了我们来自最黑暗秘鲁(Darkest Peru)的无畏毛茸茸英雄!



A Bear Called Paddington

01 - Please Look After This Bear.mp3 00:21:01
02 - A Bear in Hot Water.mp3 00:19:25
03 - Paddington Goes Underground.mp3 00:18:32
04 - A Shopping Expedition.mp3 00:20:44
05 - Paddington and The Old Master.mp3 00:19:18
06 - A Visit To The Theatre.mp3 00:20:54
07 - Adventure at the Seaside.mp3 00:18:52
08 - A Disappearing Trick.mp3 00:20:47

More About Paddington

01 - A Family Group.mp3 00:22:40
02 - A Spot of Decorating.mp3 00:20:56
03 - Paddington Turns Detective.mp3 00:22:02
04 - Paddington and the Bonfire.mp3 00:23:16
05 - Trouble at Number Thirty Two.mp3 00:22:54
06 - Paddington And The Christmas Shopping.mp3 00:23:03
07 - Christmas.mp3 00:23:55

Paddington Here and Now

01 - Parking Problems.mp3 00:22:06
02 - Paddington's Good Turn.mp3 00:24:42
03 - Paddington Strikes a Chord.mp3 00:25:45
04 - Paddington Takes the Biscuit.mp3 00:25:37
05 - Paddington Spills the Beans.mp3 00:25:04
06 - Paddington Aims High.mp3 00:22:21
07 - Paddington's Christmas Surprise.mp3 00:28:31

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