美国6-12岁儿童英文杂志Hight Light For Children 2020年9.10月刊2份PDF源文件


美国6-12岁儿童英文杂志Hight Light For Children 2020年9.10月刊2份PDF源文件


It’s a magic wand for granting wishes
and a stirring spoon

for mud-pie dishes.
It’s a baton for leading singing games
and a pen for writing sandy names.
It’s a sturdy staff for nature walks
and a drying rack for soggy socks.
It’s a spider-web broom for dusty nooks
and a measuring tool for bubbling brooks.
It’s a bridge for rescuing an unlucky snail
and a drumstick for a bright-blue pail.
It’s a marshmallow toaster
and hot-dog roaster.
It’s my grand and glorious stick.

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