1 How much time do you spend at home Obviously I sleep at home but I dont spend very much time at home during the day because Im usually busy with work
雅思口语话题大全part3answer Yes there are far too many game shows on TV for my liking explain I suppose the channels show these programmes because they are popular and they must be very profitable example A good example is Who wants to be a millionaire which has been sold to TV channels across the world alternative Personally Im not a fan of game shows and Id much rather watch a film or an original drama series
一、雅思口语话题大全part 1
雅思口语话题大全part 1,Describe a time when you had to do something in a hurry You should say what you were doing when this was why you had to hurry and explain how you felt at that time I’m going to talk about a time when I had to hurry to get ready for a trip with some colleagues while I was working in a previous job
雅思口语话题大全part2,4 Would you like to have more spare time to spend at home in the future No not really I get bored if Im at home for too long In the future I imagine Ill still prefer to go out and do things rather than stay indoors
雅思口语话题大全2020,2 Do you prefer to spend your free time at home or outside the house During the day I prefer to be out of the house so I like visiting family or meeting up with friends But I do like relaxing at home in the evenings
雅思口语话题大全新东方,也就是说,在第二部分的准备的过程中,就一定要有一些闪光的想法或者是词汇,例如说你的外语能力,你可以说是 bilingual skills ,这样偶尔跳出来一些很漂亮的、同时是正确使用的词汇,会给你很多的加分,准备话题的过程中,就要时常用一些高级搭配。
雅思口语话题大全一个东西很难使用,2 Which room do you like most in your house Why My favourite room is the kitchen because it looks out onto the back garden and its on the side of the house that catches the afternoon sun
雅思口语part1三个必考话题,Do you think there are too many game shows on TV nowadays Why
首先看一个free time at home Topic,大家可以先看一下题目,最好自己先想想会怎么说,也可以大致地说出来以后,再把自己的答题思路 keywords 写下来。
雅思口语话题大全part3我觉得看完这两段,你一定会惊叹于外国人描述一个事件的时候的详细程度。 Monday morning five years ago 之类的一些时间的使用,so that 对原因的解释和对情况的描述,had volunteered to drive us 之类的表达可能在很多同学这里就被精简成为 my friend would drive us to the airport 所以,在平时备考的过程中,让自己成为一个“话唠”,非常的有必要。
雅思口语话题大全part3 下载地址:http://www.acadsocclub.com/